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发布时间:2022-02-21 22:52


【文章页数】:125 页


Idex to Tables
Inndex to Figures
    0.1 Purpose and Significance of the Research
    0.2 Approaches to the Research
    0.3 Organization of the Thesis
Chapter 1 Literature Review
    1.1 An Overview of Theories on Child Language Acquisition
    1.2 A Brief Introduction to Categorization Theory
    1.3 Literature Review on Children’s Early Noun Acquisition
    1.4 Criteria for Children’s Vocabulary Acquisition
    1.5 Types of Noun Categorization
Chapter 2 A Case Study of Chinese-speaking Children’s Categorization    in Noun Acquisition
    2.1 Subjects and Methodology
    2.2 Collection of Data
    2.3 Results and Discussion
        2.3.1 Categorization of Kinship, Organ and Clothes Names
        2.3.2 Categorization of Utensil, Transport and Food Names
        2.3.3 Categorization of Animal, Natural Object and Coter Names
    2.4 Similarities and Differences in the Noun Categorization of Male and    Female Subjects
    2.5 Summary
Chapter 3 A Study of English-speaking Children’s Noun    Acquisition
    3.1 Subjects and Methodology
    3.2 Results and Discussion
        3.2.1 Categorization of Kinship, Organ and Clothes Names
        3.2.2 Categorization of Utensil, Transport and Food Names
        3.2.3 Categorization of Animal, Natural Object and Color Names
    3.3 Similarities and Differences between English-speaking Male and Female Children’s Noun Categorization
    3.4 Summary
Chapter 4 A Cross-linguistic Study of Children’s Early Noun    Acquisition
    4.1 Similarities between Chinese-speaking Children and English-speaking    Children’s Early Noun Acquisition from the Perspective of    Categorization
        4.1.1 Similarities between Chinese-speaking male and English-speaking    male subjects
        4.1.2 Similarities between Chinese-speaking female and English-speaking female subjects
    4.2 Differences between Chinese-speaking Children and English-speaking    Children’s Early Noun Acquisition from the Perspective of    Categorization
        4.2.1 Differences between Chinese-speaking male and English-speaking    male subjects
        4.2.2 Differences between Chinese-speaking female and English-speaking female subjects
    4.3 Discussion
    4.4 Summary
Appendix A 攻读学位期间主要研究成果目录
Appendix B Tables
    Table B1 Total tokens of categorization nouns of ZHZ and MHR
    Table B2 Total tokens of kinship terms, names of organs and names of clothes of ZHZ and MHR
    Table B3 Total tokens of categorization nouns of ADA and SAR
    Table B4 Total tokens of kinship terms, names of organs and names of clothes    of ADA and SAR
    Table B5 Sample of categorization nouns of ZHZ, MHR, ADA and SAR
Appendix C Sample of Transcription

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[3]儿童早期词汇获得的词类差异[J]. 陈杰,Twila Tardif,孟祥芝.  心理科学进展. 2007(03)
[4]说汉语儿童早期代词习得[J]. 彭小红.  株洲工学院学报. 2004(04)
[5]原型范畴理论与英汉构词对比[J]. 王寅,李弘.  四川外语学院学报. 2003(03)
[6]儿童认知名词的心理习得过程研究[J]. 叶磊.  宿州师专学报. 2003(01)
[7]有理据的范畴化过程——语言理论研究中的原创性[J]. 钱冠连.  外语与外语教学. 2001(10)
[8]三岁前儿童语言发展的研究和有关的理论问题[J]. 许政援.  心理发展与教育. 1996(03)
[9]对3—4岁儿童语言的初步探讨[J]. 阎克乐,邹春岚.  河北师大学报(哲学社会科学版). 1979(01)

[1]从认知角度看专有名词转化为普通名词的现象[D]. 朱雅冬.四川大学 2006
[2]儿童早期词汇发展过程中确有名词倾向吗?[D]. 彭小红.湖南大学 2004




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