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发布时间:2022-12-04 08:50
  本论文主要研究的是汉语普通话中次要谓语结构。通过对其细致地考察,以求解决下列两项核心议题:汉语结果次要谓语结构的句法结构;次要谓语的限制条件。对于第二项议题,具体地说,我们将基于性质形容词和状态形容词在次要谓语结构中的分布特点,探讨不同次要谓语所受的不同限制条件,及其相应的原因。 针对上述第一个议题,本文在经过多种句法测验以及Lim(2006)对汉语次要谓语结构研究的基础上提出,结果次要谓语结构的内部结构关键取决于次要主语的属性;根据次要主语的被选择与否,结果次要谓语结构的内部结构可分为控制结构与小子句结构。根据Li(1998),Zhang(2001)以及Gu&Pan(2001)的研究,我们提出了五种诊断方法用来证明次要主语与主要谓语有无选择性会导致不同的句法结构,即:a)含“连…都”、焦点“只有”的结构;b)含“每…都”的量化结构;c)次要主语移位;d)动词复制结构;e)次要谓语的可选择性。 对本文第二个议题,即次要谓语的限制条件的研究,我们主要限定于汉语中性质形容词和状态形容词作次要谓语的情况。我们发现,汉语中性质形容词和状态形容词都可以出现在次要谓语结构。我们证明,性... 

【文章页数】:68 页


List of Table
List of Figure
Chapter 1 Introduction
    1.1 Preliminaries
    1.2 Objective and Theoretical Framework of the Research
    1.3 Research Questions and Our Proposals
    1.4 Organization of this thesis
Chapter 2 Literature Review
    2.1 Introduction of Secondary Predicate Construction
        2.1.1 Properties of Secondary Predicate Construction
        2.1.2 English Transitive vs. Intransitive Resultative Construction
    2.2 Previous Studies on the Syntactic Structure of English Secondary Predicate Construction
        2.2.1 Complex-transitive Analysis of Secondary Predicate Construction in Descriptive Grammars
        2.2.2 Small-clause Analysis of Secondary Predicate Construction
        2.2.3 Complex-predicate Analysis of Secondary Predicate Construction
        2.2.4 Predication-theory Analysis of Secondary Predicate Construction
    2.3 Previous Analyses of the Structure of Chinese Resultatives
        2.3.1 Complex Predicate and Control Construction
        2.3.2 Small Clause Construction
        2.3.3 Dualistic Structures based on the Lexical Semantics
    2.4 Previous Studies on Licensing Conditions on Secondary Predicates
    2.5 Summary
Chapter 3 The Syntactic Structure of Chinese Resultatives
    3.1 Chinese Transitive vs. Intransitive Resultative Construction
    3.2 Dichotomous Analysis of the Structure of Chinese Resultatives
        3.2.1 Selectedness and Control/Small Clause Construction
        3.2.2 Evidence of Dichotomous Analysis according to Selectedness
    3.3 Summary
Chapter 4 Licensing Conditions on Chinese Secondary Predicates Revisited
    4.1 Introduction
    4.2 Compatibility of Secondary Predicate Positions and Property/Descriptive Predicates
        4.2.1 Compatibility of Secondary Predicate Positions and Property Predicates
        4.2.2 Compatibility of Secondary Predicate Positions and Descriptive Predicates
        4.2.3 Correlation between Property/Descriptive Predicates and Individual/Stage-level Predicates
        4.2.4 Summary
    4.3 Licensing Conditions on the Distinct Distribution of Property and Descriptive Secondary Predicates
        4.3.1 Licensing Conditions on the Distinct Distribution of Property and Descriptive Secondary Predicates
        4.3.2 Tense Hypothesis (Stowell,1982)
        4.3.3 Accounting for Licensing Conditions on the Distinct Distribution of Property and Descriptive Secondary Predicates
    4.4 Summary
AppendixA 攻读学位期间所发表的学术论文
AppendixB 详细中文摘要

[1]形容词句法功能的标记模式[J]. 沈家煊.  中国语文. 1997(04)




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