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发布时间:2018-07-16 14:44
【摘要】:目的了解宜宾市农村生活饮用水卫生状况,指导农村生活饮用水科学管理和规划,保障农村居民饮用水安全。方法于2015年对宜宾市农村126个水源监测点进行枯水期和丰水期采样,共取水样308份,按《生活饮用水水质标准》(GB 5749-2006)对水质进行检测,并对水质作出分析和评价。结果宜宾市农村生活饮用水总体合格率为78.2%;地面水和地下水合格率分别为73.8%和87.3%,地下水水质优于地面水;集中式供水和分散式供水水质合格率分别为85.7%和74.0%,集中式供水优于分散式取水;枯水期和丰水期水质合格率分别为87.7%和68.8%,枯水期水质优于丰水期;细菌学指标合格率仅为79.9%,显著低于其他各项指标,其中菌落总数不合格率高达18.8%。结论宜宾市农村饮用水水质仍急需提高,应推进农村改水建设,增加经费投入,规范净化和消毒措施,保证农村居民生活饮用水安全。
[Abstract]:Objective to understand the sanitary status of drinking water in rural areas of Yibin city, guide the scientific management and planning of drinking water in rural areas, and ensure the safety of drinking water for rural residents. Methods A total of 308 water samples were collected from 126 water sources monitoring sites in rural areas of Yibin City in 2015. The water quality was tested according to the Standard of drinking Water quality (GB5749-2006), and the water quality was analyzed and evaluated. Results the overall qualified rate of rural drinking water was 78.2%, the qualified rate of surface water and groundwater was 73.8% and 87.3%, respectively, and the quality of groundwater was superior to that of surface water. The qualified rates of centralized water supply and decentralized water supply were 85.7% and 74.0%, respectively, and centralized water supply was superior to decentralized water collection, and the qualified rate of water quality in dry and high water periods was 87.7% and 68.8%, respectively, and the water quality in low water period was better than that in abundant water period. The qualified rate of bacteriological index was only 79.9, which was significantly lower than that of other indexes. Conclusion the quality of drinking water in rural areas of Yibin City is still in urgent need of improvement. It is necessary to promote the construction of rural water transformation, increase the investment of funds, standardize the measures of purifying and disinfecting, and ensure the safety of drinking water for rural residents.
【作者单位】: 重庆医药高等专科学校临床医学院预防医学教研室;四川省宜宾市疾病预防控制中心检验科;四川省宜宾卫生学校预防月教研室;


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