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发布时间:2018-07-24 13:05
[Abstract]:Based on the provisions of the local legislative authority in the legal text and the previous research on the local legislation, this paper further clarifies the jurisdiction of the local legislation. Different from the previous scholars regarding the local legislative power as a whole and discussing the power division between the different local legislative forms and the central government, this paper further refines the local general legislative body, and divides it into the provincial level, the larger city level and the city level that is divided into districts. The legislative authority of different legislative subjects is discussed and differentiated respectively. In addition to the introduction and the last part of the summary, this paper is divided into four chapters, as follows: the first chapter, related to the theory of local legislative authority to comb. It includes the meaning of local legislative power and the meaning of the scope of jurisdiction, and analyzes the characteristics of the scope of local legislation at present in our country, and then puts forward the significance of standardizing the scope of local legislation. In addition to the theoretical summary of the scope of local legislation, this chapter also seeks the legal basis for the main body of local legislation and their respective legislative powers, and lays a foundation for the following specific discussion of the jurisdiction of local legislation. The second chapter discusses the jurisdiction of local legislation at all levels. The analysis of the legislative competence of the provincial level combined with the provisions of the legislative authority of the central and provincial levels in the legal texts, and the consideration of the principles to be followed in the exercise of the legislative power by the local authorities, the analysis of the legislative scope of the municipalities divided into districts on the controversial legislative matters, the refinement of the legislative powers of the central and provincial levels; For larger cities, the changes in the scope of legislative competence brought about by the revision of the Legislative Law are discussed. In the third chapter, through the provisions of the legal texts and the scholars' discussion on the provincial legislative authority, the author finds that the provincial legislative authority mainly has the problems of unclear scope and smaller jurisdiction, and the larger cities have the problems that should be brought about by the change of the legislative scope. There is abuse of legislative power, low quality of legislation and the risk of fragmentation of local legislation in the cities divided into districts except the larger cities, and the overlapping of legislative authority at different levels. In the fourth chapter, the author tries to put forward the solutions to the above problems. The provincial legislative authority is mainly defined by the distinction between the provincial legislative authority and the central legislative authority; for the larger city, it can be properly liberalized and fixed through legal interpretation; for the municipalities divided into districts, it is necessary to legislate prudently and strengthen the construction of the legislative team. After the legislation evaluation; for the overlapping jurisdiction of the city can better exercise the legislative power of the provincial level is no longer involved, the provincial level is mainly responsible for district cities can not solve or need provincial overall planning legislation.


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