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发布时间:2018-04-02 06:26

  本文选题:株洲市 切入点:会展业 出处:《湖南工业大学》2012年硕士论文

[Abstract]:As an important service industry, convention and exhibition industry has the characteristics of strong economic belt, small environmental pollution and remarkable effect of improving city influence. Therefore, it has been welcomed and valued by all countries, regions and cities.Zhuzhou is an important pole of the "two types" social construction of Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan urban agglomeration, so it is imperative to develop the exhibition industry vigorously.Firstly, this paper systematically analyzes the present situation of Zhuzhou exhibition industry from the following six aspects: general characteristics, exhibition situation, large conference situation, major festival meeting situation, support service system and exhibitor exhibition situation.Then, using SWOT analysis, this paper analyzes the advantages and disadvantages, opportunities and challenges of Zhuzhou exhibition industry, and points out that the advantage of Zhuzhou exhibition industry development lies in Zhuzhou's sustained and rapid economic development in recent years, with a certain economic scale.At the same time, the natural and cultural landscape is rich, the geographical transportation conditions are superior, the disadvantages lie in the unsound management organization, the unstraightened relationship between convention and exhibition industry, the imperfect infrastructure, the single form of exhibition and exhibition, and the lack of influential exhibition brands.The opportunity lies in the transformation of national economy, the adjustment of consumption structure, the construction of two-oriented society and the optimization of urban industrial structure, which provides a good environment for development; the threat lies in the increasingly fierce competition in the exhibition industry.The development of the exhibition industry in the surrounding cities squeezes the development space.Finally, the author puts forward three development ideas, that is, the combination of government guidance and market operation, the combination of brand building and special industry, and the combination of hardware construction and software construction.It also puts forward some countermeasures to promote the development of Zhuzhou exhibition industry, such as attaching great importance to the development of exhibition industry, establishing organization system, formulating supporting policies, cultivating professional companies, increasing the construction of exhibition halls, creating characteristic brands, increasing the introduction and training of talents, and so on.


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