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发布时间:2018-10-21 07:56
[Abstract]:With the advancement of the new curriculum reform, the traditional teaching mode has not adapted to the current reform trend. Therefore, under the guidance of the theory, the educators explore a new teaching model through practice. This teaching mode highlights the main position of students, focuses on cultivating students' independent learning, exchanges and cooperation, explores the ability of innovation, enables students to learn, lightens the burden of class work, and conforms to the requirements and ideas of the new curriculum reform. It is a real teaching mode with high efficiency and low consumption. Combining with the subject of primary school mathematics, taking H Primary School in Qiqihar City as the research object, this paper investigates and studies the application of guiding case in mathematics teaching in primary school by using various research methods, such as literature, interview, questionnaire, case analysis, etc. The influencing factors are analyzed, and some feasible strategies are put forward. This paper is divided into four parts: the first part is the introduction, which mainly describes the questions raised, the purpose and significance of the research, the current situation of domestic and foreign research, the definition of related concepts, the research ideas and methods, and the theoretical basis of the research. The second part, the application of guiding case in mathematics teaching in primary school, including the rational basis of the implementation of guiding case, on the basis of which the principles and main links of the implementation of guiding case are discussed, and the application of guiding case is introduced through the investigation method. The influencing factors of its application and the problems that should be paid attention to in its application are also summarized. In the third part, the summary and problems of the compilation of the primary school mathematics instruction case should be paid attention to, so as to help the teachers to compile the guiding case better. In the fourth part, the author puts forward several strategies for the application of guided case in mathematics teaching in primary school, including strengthening teachers' own learning, strengthening the rationality of distribution and organization in group cooperative learning. In order to improve and perfect the teaching plan and strengthen the cooperation and communication between teachers after class, it is beneficial to improve the teaching effect.


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