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安倍经济学经济增长战略的目标, 内容和评价.pdf 全文 文档投稿网

发布时间:2016-07-10 16:10


Sep. 17, 2013 Working Paper No. 2013W18 高海红 gaohh@陈思?csc_win@163.com 安倍经济学经济增长战略的目标、内容和评价 Will Abenomics succeed? An assessment of its growth strategy 摘要 : 安倍经济学货币和财政政策效力仅限于短期, 且受债务负担可持续性等多种因 素的 制约 。 比较 而言 , 安倍 经济 学经 济增 长战 略是 将货 币和 财政 政策 形成 的良 好预 期 转化为具体的经济行为, 推动日本经济的持续增长的关键。 现有的经济增长战略方案 方向 正确 , 但要 实现 预期 目标 , 其政 策力 度显 然不 足。 日本 政府 能否 在提 高经 济全 要 素生产率和劳动投入, 有效化解企业部门的过度储蓄从而解决 需求不足等方面推出强 有力的新政,是安倍经济学能否实现其长期增长战略目标的关键。 关键词:安倍经济学 货币和财政政策 经济增长战略 长期结构性问题 Abstract: The effects of fiscal and monetary stimulus of Abenomics will be short-lived due to Japan’s unsustainable public debt and limited space for further monetary easing. The success of Abenomics, therefore, to a large degree, is determined by its “third arrow” i.eeconomic growth strategy. The paper analyzes the structural factors attributed to Japan’s deflation over the past decades and looks at what resolutions the growth strategy is to deliver. The paper argues that the growth strategy aims at the right targets. However, its current lay-out is far from enough to fulfill the long-term growth objectives. The paper suggests to introduce more bold policies to reform Japan’s rigid labor market, increase its productivity and labor input, reduce the excessive savings in cooperate sectors, and carry out more structural reforms in order to bridge the GDP gap. It is also crucial for the Japanese government to implement the scheduled measures in a contin





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