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发布时间:2018-02-25 16:22

  本文关键词: 汽车产业 出口竞争力 指标分析 出处:《吉林大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The automobile industry is one of the most important pillar industries in China, which plays a very important role in promoting economic development and promoting employment. Although the automobile industry of our country started relatively late, it has been developed for more than 60 years. China's automobile industry has made rapid progress. In 2016, the production and sales volume of each vehicle exceeded 28 million, ranking first in the world for the eighth consecutive year. After China's entry into WTO, the export volume of automobile products grew at a high speed, rising from 2.7 billion US dollars in 2001 to 84.2 billion US dollars in 2015. The average annual growth rate is as high as 27.8%. But since 2010, the growth rate of China's auto exports has slowed. In 2015, auto product exports fell 8.0% from a year earlier, and auto exports fell four years in a row after hitting a peak of 1 million in 2012. National market demand is shrinking, The sales volume of China's automobile products has dropped markedly, and the negative factors such as the continuous appreciation of the RMB have made the export situation of China's automobile products grim. Against this background, the export competitiveness of China's automobile industry is evaluated. It is of great practical significance to find out the major problems existing in the automobile export and put forward corresponding countermeasures. The writing ideas of this paper are as follows: first, carding out the theory of export competitiveness. This paper introduces the theoretical basis of export competitiveness, and on the basis of summing up the main methods of evaluation of export competitiveness, selects the index evaluation method to analyze the export competitiveness of automobile industry. This paper summarizes the current situation and characteristics of the export trade of China's automobile industry. Through the analysis of the data, it is found that the export volume of our country's automobile products has a downward trend. At present, the export mainly consists of parts and components, and it is mainly a low value-added product. The whole vehicle export scale is small, the two export markets are concentrated in developed and developing countries respectively, the export risk is high. Thirdly, this paper constructs an index system to evaluate the export competitiveness of automobile industry. The index system is composed of six commonly used indexes of indicative symmetric comparative advantage index. Referring to the yearbook of China's automobile industry, the four-digit automobile products in HS2002 are classified into four categories, Germany, Japan, and China's national economy industry classification. The export competitiveness of China's automobile industry as a whole and its classified products are evaluated and compared respectively by the United States and other six countries. The results show that the overall export competitiveness of China's automobile industry is very low compared with that of developed countries. The export competitiveness of the whole vehicle is the weakest among the classified products, which is the important reason that the overall export competitiveness is not strong. Finally, on the basis of the analysis of the current export situation and export competitiveness of China's automobile products, It is found that the following problems exist in the export of China's automobile industry: unreasonable export structure, high concentration of export market, low R & D investment of automobile enterprises, insufficient independent innovation ability, frequent trade and technical barriers to export; The export order is chaotic, the independent brand image needs to be improved, the management and after-sales service system is not perfect. In view of these problems, the government and enterprises should make joint efforts to eliminate export barriers. Improve the ability to deal with political risk and exchange rate risk; increase R D investment, attach importance to talent training, enhance independent innovation ability, and improve product quality; the relevant government departments should actively participate in the formulation of international automobile standards, Enterprises focus on the new energy and energy efficient automobile field; through the implementation of export qualification management by the government and the establishment of export alliance to further standardize the export order to enhance the image of independent brands in overseas markets; Establish a sound management and after-sales service system to enhance brand reputation.


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