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发布时间:2018-03-05 18:29

  本文选题:景观设计 切入点:教育功能 出处:《浙江林学院学报》2005年01期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:The educational function is one of the important functions of landscape. Through literature retrieval and field investigation, this paper discusses the consistency between education and landscape design, and analyzes the concrete aspects of neglecting the educational function in landscape construction in China. This paper analyzes the causes of this phenomenon of "negative education", points out the urgency of strengthening the educational function of landscape design, discusses the different types of educational functions in landscape design, and lists the concrete embodiment of different types of educational functions in landscape design. It is pointed out that attention should be paid to the people and places where the educational function of landscape design should be brought into play. It is considered that the exertion of educational function in the landscape design of our country is one of the important embodiments of the construction of high quality landscape.
【作者单位】: 河南科技学院园艺系 河南科技学院园艺系 中南林学院资源与环境学院 河南科技学院园艺系
【基金】:河南省科技攻关项目(0424490012) 河南省科技厅软科学项目(0213050900) 河南科技学院重点课题(040132)


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