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发布时间:2018-03-10 06:01

  本文选题:地域特色 切入点:城市景观设计 出处:《西北农林科技大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:我国地域十分辽阔,历史文化悠久,拥有丰富的自然资源和多民族文化,在不同的地域有着其别具一格的地方特色。景观作为地域特色的载体,是对自然环境、气候条件、历史变化、人文脉络及社会背景的深刻认识和反映。 当今中国正处于一个急速发展的时期,城市化建设加速改变着原有城市的面貌。然而在发展的同时,景观的趋同现象却越来越严重.由于对城市的地域特色价值认识不足,各地原本鲜明的地域景观特色在逐渐消失。对地域特色的认知、发掘与利用有助于城市特色的重塑和传承,对于当今城市建设和发展有着重要而深远的意义。 在本文中,主要针对城市景观设计风格单一、缺乏地域特色的问题,着重研究基于地域特色的景观设计方法,为今后的城市景观设计工作提供借鉴。本文第一章首先介绍了地域特色在城市景观设计中的重要性,国内外研究概况及城市地域景观设计研究的目的和意义。第二章介绍了地域特色的理念与城市景观设计的概念,强调从地域特色的视角来设计城市景观。第三章主要从城市公园、广场、居住区、街区四个方面分析解读优秀城市地域景观设计案例。第四章阐述了基于地域特色的城市景观设计原则及城市景观融合地域特色的设计表现方法。第五章理论联系实际,作者将地域特色的城市景观设计理论和方法融合于自身所参与的实际设计项目之中。
[Abstract]:China has a vast territory, a long history and culture, rich natural resources and multi-national culture, and has its own unique local characteristics in different regions. As a carrier of regional characteristics, landscape is the natural environment, climate conditions, The profound understanding and reflection of historical changes, humanistic context and social background. Nowadays, China is in a period of rapid development, urbanization is accelerating to change the face of the original city. However, at the same time, the phenomenon of landscape convergence is becoming more and more serious. The original distinctive regional landscape features are gradually disappearing. The cognition of the regional characteristics, the exploration and utilization of them are helpful to reshape and inherit the urban characteristics, which is of great and far-reaching significance to the construction and development of cities today. In this paper, focusing on the single style of urban landscape design and the lack of regional characteristics, this paper focuses on the study of landscape design methods based on regional characteristics. The first chapter of this paper introduces the importance of regional characteristics in urban landscape design. The purpose and significance of the research on urban landscape design at home and abroad. Chapter two introduces the concept of regional characteristics and the concept of urban landscape design. Emphasis on the design of urban landscape from the perspective of regional characteristics. Chapter three mainly from the city parks, squares, residential areas, Four aspects of block analysis and interpretation of outstanding urban landscape design cases. 4th chapter elaborated the principles of urban landscape design based on regional characteristics and the design method of urban landscape integration of regional characteristics. 5th chapter theory combined with practice, The author integrates the theory and method of urban landscape design with regional characteristics into the actual design project.


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