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发布时间:2018-07-05 08:31

  本文选题:寒地新农村 + 乡土景观 ; 参考:《东北农业大学》2009年硕士论文

【摘要】: 近年来,随着新农村规划建设步伐的加快,许多乡村受到城镇文化的冲击,在景观建设的领域,表现在脱离客观实际,盲目的模仿城市景观建设,推翻许多已有的自然景观及人工景观,大量传统地域特色景观消失。尤其是一些地处寒地的乡村地区,盲目的照搬别处的景观,不仅抹杀了寒地乡村的地方特色,还有损于景观风貌,不利于传统文化的传承,破坏了区域生态质量。建设有乡土特色的乡村景观,可以减少乡村城市化对乡村景观环境的冲击,使得乡村千百年来留存下来的乡土风貌和文化资源得到保护,乡村特有的人文景观、自然景观得以延续。寒地新农村方方面面的建设正处于探索和起步阶段,如何对寒地新农村乡土景观进行科学合理的保护、开发和利用,是现阶段新农村建设亟待解决的问题。 本文采取调查分析与理论研究相结合的方法,对寒地新农村乡土景观设计进行研究。首先,在理论研究阶段,分别探讨国内与国外的乡村景观规划设计与乡土景观研究的理论,并将二者相结合,形成寒地乡村乡土景观整体设计的思路。同时,调查寒地乡村乡土景观的实地现状,并在调查的基础上总结、分析、归纳,将寒地乡村乡土景观划分为自然景观、农业景观、聚落景观和人文景观,通过对寒地乡土景观特性的分析,对寒地乡村乡土景观设计进行研究,提出将传统乡土景观解构,重塑新乡土景观,旨在设计出充分体现寒地乡土特色的、环境优美的、生态平衡的、适应社会主义新农村建设发展要求的寒地新农村景象。通过研究,论文得出以下结论: 1.通过实地调查和文献查阅、资料的整理,建立了以自然景观、农业景观、聚落景观和人文景观为主要内容的寒地乡村乡土景观体系。 2.提出寒地新农村乡土景观设计以保护、发展、补偿、再生为原则,为寒地新农村乡土景观设计提供理论基础和依据;构建了以自然景观的保护性设计,农业景观的开发性设计,聚落景观的补偿性设计和文化景观的再生性设计为主要内容的寒地新农村乡土景观设计的体系。 3.自然景观和农业景观进行保护和开发性设计。从保护的角度出发,选择寒地生长的天然植物群落改造乡村周边的自然环境;保护乡村河流廊道的自然布局肌理,运用乡土水生、湿生植物进行护坡;提出对农业景观中的农田景观、果园景观、林地景观的景象进行开发利用,在满足经济效益的同时提高美学价值。 4.在原有乡村聚落景观的基础上提出了补偿性设计的要点:聚落景观的建筑材料以传统材料为主,新旧材料结合运用;建筑色彩以暖色调为主,加强建筑色彩的对比;庭园景观设计要结合植物种植和庭院小品装饰,营造绿化、美化、彩化、香化、田园化的农家小院;道路的选线要根据乡村的地形和环境空间进行变化以展现乡土景观景点,道路绿化要与乡村的自然环境相协调,植物配置以自然式为主;路面设计提倡使用天然的乡土材料。 5.对文化乡土景观进行再生性设计,提出了以主题刻画法、乡土构筑物点缀空间、现代材料表达传统景观、乡土植物营造空间骨架的手法营造公共活动空间的乡土景观;以广场为乡土文化景观表达的载体,提出了广场景观设计要与传统乡土文化景观相结合;借鉴乡村文化旅游的开展建立乡村文化交流空间,促进乡土景观的营建。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the quickening pace of the planning and construction of the new countryside, many villages are affected by the urban culture. In the field of landscape construction, it is manifested in disengaging from the objective reality, blindly imitating the urban landscape construction, overthrowing many existing natural landscapes and artificial landscapes, and a large number of traditional regional features disappear. The village area, blindly copying the landscape, not only obliterated the local characteristics of the cold rural areas, but also damaged the landscape style and features, was not conducive to the heritage of traditional culture, and destroyed the regional ecological quality. The construction of rural landscape with local characteristics can reduce the impact of rural urbanization on the rural landscape environment, so that rural areas have been retained for hundreds of years. The rural landscape and cultural resources are protected, the unique cultural landscape of the countryside and the natural landscape are continued. The construction of the new rural areas in the cold area is in the stage of exploration and starting. How to protect and exploit the rural landscape in the new rural areas is the urgent problem to be solved in the new rural construction at the present stage.
In this paper, the method of combining investigation analysis and theoretical research is adopted to study the local landscape design of new countryside in cold land. First, the theory of rural landscape design and local landscape research at home and abroad is discussed in the theoretical research stage, and the ideas of the whole design of rural landscape in the cold rural areas are formed by combining the two. On the basis of investigating the current situation of the rural landscape in the cold countryside, and summarizing, analyzing and summarizing the rural landscape in the cold land, it divides the rural landscape into natural landscape, agricultural landscape, settlement landscape and human landscape. Through the analysis of the characteristics of the cold land, the local landscape design of the cold countryside is studied, and the traditional local landscape is put forward. The view of deconstruction and reconstruction of Xinxiang soil landscape is designed to design a new rural scene of cold land in cold land, which fully embodies the local characteristics of the cold land, with a beautiful environment and ecological balance, which is adapted to the requirements of the construction and development of the new socialist countryside.
1. through the field investigation, literature review and data arrangement, the rural landscape system with natural landscape, agricultural landscape, settlement landscape and human landscape as the main content is established.
2. put forward the principle of protection, development, compensation and regeneration in the new rural rural landscape design in cold land, providing theoretical basis and basis for the design of rural landscape in the new rural areas of cold land. The main contents are the protective design of natural landscape, the development design of agricultural landscape, the compensation design of the settlement landscape and the regenerative design of the cultural landscape. The system of rural landscape design in the new countryside in cold land.
3. natural landscapes and agricultural landscapes are designed for protection and development. From the perspective of protection, natural plant communities, growing in cold areas, are selected to reconstruct the natural environment around the countryside; to protect the natural layout of the rural corridor and to use local aquatic and wet plants to protect the slope; to put forward the farmland landscape in the agricultural landscape and the orchard landscape. The development and utilization of woodland landscape can improve the aesthetic value while satisfying economic benefits.
4. the main points of compensatory design are put forward on the basis of the original rural settlement landscape: the building materials of the settlement landscape are mainly based on the traditional materials, the new and old materials are combined, the architectural color is mainly warm hue, and the contrast of the architectural color is strengthened; the garden landscape design should be combined with plant planting and garden ornaments to create greening, beautification, colourization and fragrance. The road selection line should be based on the rural terrain and the environment space to show the local landscape, the road greening should be coordinated with the natural environment of the countryside, the plant configuration is mainly natural, and the pavement design advocates the use of natural native material.
5. to the regenerative design of the cultural local landscape, it puts forward the local landscape with the theme carving method, the local architecture ornament space, the modern material expressing the traditional landscape, the local plants creating the space skeleton, and building the local landscape of the public activity space; the square is the carrier of the local cultural landscape, and the square landscape design should be with the traditional township. The combination of soil culture and landscape, and the development of rural cultural tourism, establish a rural cultural exchange space and promote the construction of rural landscape.


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1 雒明明;寒地新农村乡土景观设计的研究[D];东北农业大学;2009年




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