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发布时间:2018-07-12 13:49

  本文选题:唐代文化 + 表达与传承 ; 参考:《四川农业大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:唐代文化是中华民族物质文明和精神文明发展的重要阶段,是文化史上的一支奇葩。它绚丽多彩,博大精深,号称中国传统文化的精髓和世界文化的瑰宝。在中国文化史上,唐代文化占有崇高的地位,对后世影响深远。因此,作为炎黄子孙的我们不仅要充分了解唐代文化,而且还需要深度挖掘唐代文化的内涵,将其在景观设计中得以表达与传承。 当代我国城市正处于高速发展的时期,面临着前所未有的挑战。在城市发展的进程中,只是讲求对外来文化的盲目推崇而导致本土文化的丧失,从而湮没了城市原有的内涵和个性。西安是唐代的都城,因而在西安利用唐代文化来丰富景观的内涵,正是对西安原有内涵和个性的挖掘和传承。 西安大唐芙蓉园是全国首个全方位展示唐代文化的主题公园。园内的景观着眼于体现唐代的故事性和技术性,通过打造强参与性的文化景观空间,充分调动游客感官来感受唐代文化,领悟唐代文化的真谛,使游客至身于充满唐代文化的浓郁氛围中。 通过文献分析法,研究和总结了唐代文化的分类及其特点。唐代文化,内容丰富多彩,成就辉煌灿烂,涵盖面广大而又复杂。它主要包括建筑文化、饮食文化、服饰文化、帝王文化、女性文化、诗歌文化、宗教文化、民间文化、歌舞文化、科举文化、外交文化、儿童文化和科技文化,通过对这些方面的论述,总结出了各个方面的特点。 通过文献分析法,还研究与总结了唐代文化在景观设计中表达与传承的必要性、原则、设计手法及需要注意的问题。唐代文化在景观设计中表达与传承的必要性有:能够体现西安的特色文化,能够烘托环境氛围,有利于唐代文化的发展与创新。唐代文化在景观设计中表达与传承的原则有:多样性、真实性、时代性。基于景观符号学的理论来研究景观设计中文化表达与传承的设计手法,即包括以下步骤:资料收集、信息梳理、元素提取、元素符号化、景观设计中符号的应用。在此过程中,需要注意的问题是传统与现代的矛盾。只有传统文化和现代元素相融合,才能创造出适应这个时代的景观,才能刻下这个时代的标记。 通过实例分析法,对大唐芙蓉园进行实地的考察和调研,并对结果加以分析和总结,得出大唐芙蓉园中唐代文化(建筑文化、饮食文化、服饰文化、帝王文化、女性文化、诗歌文化、宗教文化、民间文化、歌舞文化、科举文化、外交文化、儿童文化、科技文化、色彩及纹样)表达与传承的方式,即采用合适的设计手法、运用传统与现代有机结合的理念、民族与世界相接轨的理念。大唐芙蓉园对唐代文化的表达与传承还存在一定程度的缺憾:体验活动的参与性不够,与区域外景观的不协调,经营管理上不够突出唐代文化。 通过分析归纳法,总结出大唐芙蓉园对唐风园林文化表达与传承的启示:景观结合多样典型文化符号以表达文化内涵,传统与现代有机结合以彰显文化主题,民族与世界相接轨以发扬文化精髓。 论文以唐代文化为切入点,以大唐芙蓉园景观设计为研究范围。通过文献研究法、实例分析法与分析归纳法来得出自己的观点,对唐代文化在景观设计中的表达与传承做出有意义的探讨。
[Abstract]:The culture of Tang Dynasty is an important stage in the development of the material civilization and spiritual civilization of the Chinese nation . It is a wonderful flower in the history of culture . In the history of Chinese culture , the culture of Tang Dynasty occupies a high position and has a far - reaching influence on the afterlife . Therefore , we need not only fully understand the culture of the Tang Dynasty , but also deeply explore the connotation of the Tang Dynasty culture , and express and inherit it in the landscape design .

In the process of urban development , the Chinese cities are faced with unprecedented challenges . In the process of urban development , the loss of native culture caused by the blind promotion of foreign cultures is only the loss of native culture . Xi ' an is the capital city of Tang Dynasty . Therefore , the connotation of the landscape is enriched in Xi ' an . It is the excavation and inheritance of the original connotation and individuality of Xi ' an .

Furong Garden in Xi ' an is the first theme park in the whole country to show the culture of Tang Dynasty . The landscape in the garden is aimed at reflecting the feature and technical nature of the Tang Dynasty . By building strong participatory cultural landscape space , tourists can be fully mobilized to feel the culture of Tang Dynasty and realize the true meaning of the culture of Tang Dynasty .

This paper studies and summarizes the classification and characteristics of Tang Dynasty culture by documentary analysis . It mainly includes architectural culture , diet culture , costume culture , imperial culture , female culture , poetry culture , religious culture , folk culture , song and dance culture , imperial culture , diplomatic culture , child culture and science and technology culture .

This paper also studies the necessity , principle , design technique and the problems that need to be paid attention to in the design of landscape design by documentary analysis . The necessity of the expression and inheritance of the culture in landscape design is : diversity , authenticity and times . The theory of landscape semiology is used to study the design of cultural expression and inheritance in landscape design .

Through an example analysis method , the field investigation and investigation of the Furong Garden in the Tang Dynasty were carried out , and the results were analyzed and summarized . The way to express and inherit the Tang Dynasty culture ( architecture culture , diet culture , culture of culture , culture of culture , culture of culture , culture of culture , culture of religion , folk culture , folk culture , science and technology culture , color and pattern ) of the Tang Dynasty culture in the Tang Dynasty .

By analyzing the induction method , the revelation of the expression and inheritance of Tang Feng ' s garden culture is summed up : the landscape combines various typical cultural symbols to express the cultural connotation , the tradition and the modern organic combination to show the cultural theme , and the nation and the world are connected with each other to promote the essence of culture .

The paper takes the culture of Tang Dynasty as the entry point , and takes the landscape design of the Tang Dynasty Furong Park as the research scope . Through the literature research method , the case analysis method and the analysis induction method , the author obtains its own point of view , and makes a meaningful discussion on the expression and inheritance of the Tang Dynasty culture in the landscape design .


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