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发布时间:2022-07-08 11:10
  本研究主要分为两个部分内容,第一部分重点介绍了MYB家族相关转录因子的克隆,而第二部分阐述了盐度对毛竹(Phyllostachysedulis)植物的影响。MYB家族转录因子在植物生长发育过程中起着重要作用,特别是在植物抗非生物胁迫以及植物生理结构改良方面。然而由于基因组尚未测序,因此从慈竹中克隆MYB相关基因并分析其在抗逆方面的功能是一项比较艰巨的任务。中国竹资源丰富,特别是四川,云南和福建省覆盖面积较大。竹子是一种重要的可再生木材资源,具有快速生长,多功能性以及高经济价值等特点,含有70%或更高含量的优质纤维,是造纸的良好原料。Bambusa emeiensis是重要的造纸竹种之一,适应能力强,能够在恶劣的环境条件下成功存活。竹子生长迅速且能适应各种严酷的环境,通过克隆和鉴定与其相关的MYB转录因子并遗传转化小麦和烟草,为进一步提高小麦和烟草抗逆能力提供了依据。我们已成功克隆了两个MYB家族的为“BeMYB680”和“BeMYB140”。通过生物信息学分析,酵母单杂交,亚细胞定位和表达分析确定其为MYB家族基因。最后,构建过表达载体,通过基因枪和农杆菌转化为小麦(基因型为“DN77... 

【文章页数】:137 页


1 Introduction
    1.1 Research significance
        1.1.1 Bamboo Description
        1.1.2 Uses of Bamboo
        1.1.3 Description of wheat
        1.1.4 Tobacco
    1.2 Research Background
        1.2.1 Transcription factors
        1.2.2 Pathway for Transcriptional Factors Response
        1.2.3 Abiotic stresses overview
        1.2.4 Drought
        1.2.5 Salinity
        1.2.6 Lignin contents in plants
    1.3 Research objectives and Technical route
        1.3.1 Research Objectives
        1.3.2 Technical Route
2 Study on the cloning, bioinformatics analysis, transcriptional activation andSubcellular localization of BeMYB140 and BeMYB680
    2.1 Cloning and bioinformatics analysis of BeMYB140 and BeMYB680
        2.1.1 Materials
        2.1.2 Chemicals of TaKara Dalian, China
        2.1.3 Other chemicals includes
        2.1.4 Equipment's
        2.1.5 Methodology
        2.1.6 Results
    2.2 Analysis of transcriptional activation of BeMYB140 & BeMYB680
        2.2.1 Materials and Equipment's
        2.2.2 Methodology
        2.2.3 Results
    2.3 Essay of Sub-Cellular localization for BeMYB140 & BeMYB680
        2.3.1 Materials and Equipment's
        2.3.2 Methodology
        2.3.3 Results
    2.4 The expression profiling of BeMYB140 & BeMYB680
        2.4.1 Materials and Equipment's
        2.4.2 Methodology
        2.4.3 Results
3 Study on the transformation of BeMYB140 and BeMYB680
    3.1 Transformation of recombinant plasmid into Wheat and tobacco
        3.1.1 Materials and Equipment's
        3.1.2 Methodology
        3.1.3 Results
    3.2 Discussion and Conclusion
        3.2.1 Discussion
        3.2.2 Conclusion
4 Effect of Salinity on Phyllostachys edulis
    4.1 Methodology
        4.1.1 Layout of experiment
        4.1.2 Experimental design
        4.1.3 Sample collection
        4.1.4 Physiological parameters analysis
        4.1.5 Enzymatic Activity
        4.1.6 Expression profiling of BeMYH 140, BeMYB680, BeSNAC1 and BeWRKY2
        4.1.7 Analysis of Minerals contents in leaves of Phyllostachys edulis
    4.2 Results
        4.2.1 Physical properties
        4.2.2 Enzymatic properties
        4.2.3 Transport of salts from the soil on to the leaves of Phyllostachys edulis
        4.2.4 Expression profiling of Cloned genes in response to salinity
        4.2.5 Minerals contents
    4.3 Discussion and Conclusion
        4.3.1 Dscussion
        4.3.2 Conclusion
5 Acknowledgement
6 Reference
Academic papers published and research findings related to the content of dissertations




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