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发布时间:2022-12-18 17:14
  研究背景和目的理解物种的种间关系及其影响因子是探究群落集合中非常关键的内容,同时在制定群落保护计划上有重要的实践意义。鸟类混合群(Mixedspecies flocks of birds)和鸟类围攻猛禽时形成集群是陆地森林中尤为常见鸟类集群。由于许多物种参与混合群和猛禽围攻,所以这两种集群是研究鸟类群落中物种相互作用的模式系统。鸟类混合群中一些物种被认为是“核心种”(nuclear species),是社会信息(social information)的主要提供者,而其他物种(跟随种,follower species)则利用这些信息来提高觅食效率和减少捕食风险。目前,这种“核心种-跟随种”关系如何响应不同捕食风险尚缺乏认识;此外,鸟类混合群和围攻时形成的集合会随着季节改变,目前尚不清楚这种季节变化是如何影响信息的产生和物种的角色的;最后,“核心种-跟随种”关系研究内容主要集中在警戒叫声和围攻叫声,目前还没有研究表明跟随物种是否会利用核心种的联络叫声来减少捕食风险。基于此,本研究探索了三个关键问题:1)不同捕食风险的社会信息是否与混合群中的角色(核心种和跟随种)相关,以及是否受到季节的影响... 

【文章页数】:99 页


Chapter One:General Introduction
    1.1 MSFs and mobbing assemblages:consistent and temporary groups among bird
        1.1.1 Mixed-species flocks,species roles,and mobbing assemblages
        1.1.2 MSFs in forest in China
        1.1.3 Seasonal changes in flock and mobbing systems
    1.2 Communication about predators
        1.2.1 Alarm and mobbing calls:Antipredation adaptations
        1.2.2 Social information and eavesdropping
    1.3 Thesis overview and aims
    1.4 Novelty
Chapter Two:Seasonal changes in mixed-species bird flocks and anti-predator information
    2.1 Abstract
    2.2 Introduction
    2.3 Methods
        2.3.1 Study site and transect selection
        2.3.2 Measurements of MSF encounter rate and species composition
        2.3.3 Behavioral experiments
        2.3.4 Scoring of recordings
        2.3.5 Statistical analysis
        2.4.1 MSF encounter rate and composition
        2.4.2 Hawk-flock experiment
        2.4.3 Mob-flock experiment
        2.4.4 Mob experiment
    2.5 Discussion
        2.5.1 Seasonality of the Nonggang MSF system
        2.5.2 Dominance of David’s Fulvetta in information provisioning
        2.5.3 Seasonal availability of information
    2.6 Conclusions
Chapter Three:The effect of functional traits,conspecific and heterospecific audience,and seasonality on the mobbing of a bird community of southern China
    3.1 Abstract
    3.2 Introduction
        3.3.1 Data collection
        3.3.2 Data analysis
    3.4 Results
        3.4.1 Mobbing seasonality and the composition of the bird community
        3.4.2 Impacts of external factors on mobbing behavior
        3.4.3 Impacts of intrinsic factors(functional traits)on mobbing propensity
    3.5 Discussion
        3.5.1 Mobbing seasonality
        3.5.2 Mobbing variation across stages of reproduction
        3.5.3 influence of conspecific and heterospecific audiences on mobbing
        3.5.4 Factors that determine mobbing propensity
    3.6 Conclusions
Chapter Four:Constraints of eavesdropping on heterospecific risk-related information,a case study of a Northern America bird community
    4.1 Abstract
    4.2 Introduction
    4.3 Methods
        4.3.1 Study sites
        4.3.2 Tape design
        4.3.3 Field playback experiment protocol
        4.3.4 Statistic analysis
    4.4 Results
    4.5 Discussion
Chapter Five:Synthesis of the study
    5.1 Conclusions
    5.2 Limitations
    5.3 Future work
Publications during candidature

[1]次生阔叶林冬季鸟类混合群生态位的相互关系[J]. 曹长雷,邓秋香,王海涛,由玉岩.  野生动物学报. 2018(01)
[2]桂西南石灰岩地区部分鸟类繁殖资料记述[J]. 蒋德梦,周放,蒋爱伍,陈天波.  动物学杂志. 2013(04)
[3]山地次生林冬季鸟类集群的初步研究[J]. 高玮,冯贺林,相桂权,杨志杰,程宏.  动物学报. 1993(04)




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