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发布时间:2018-05-27 22:32

  本文选题:群众路线 + 改革 ; 参考:《湘潭大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:群众路线是毛泽东思想活的灵魂的基本方面之一,主要内容包括:“人民是创造历史的真正动力,一切为了群众,一切依靠群众,从群众中来,到群众中去。”是以毛泽东同志为首的先进的中国共产党人,在领导中国新民主主义革命、社会主义改造和社会主义建设过程中,围绕具体实际,深入调查研究,同强大的敌人和数不清的困难进行艰苦抗争中总结和提炼出的宝贵精神财富。 群众路线将马克思主义关于人民群众是历史的创造者的普遍原理和中国具体实际相结合,形成了一套用于指导党实际活动的科学、完备的路线体系。在工作实践中,毛泽东又逐步把群众路线具体化,将其打造成为党的工作路线和领导方法,成为克敌制胜的法宝,成为我们党从胜利走向胜利的根本保障。 本文主要围绕毛泽东群众路线在中国的继承和发展而展开,对毛泽东群众路线的形成、理论来源、主要内容以及不同时期不同领导人对于群众路线所作出的新的诠释进行了深刻的分析,,特别是十八大之后习近平总书记对于群众路线的重要论述。指出群众路线是科学的理论,具有与时俱进的品质,党的几代领导人都坚定不移地坚持群众路线的理论大旗,并为群众路线注入新的思想和内容,给予了新的诠释,对于不同时期的革命和建设以及改革事业的发展起到了重要的指导作用。
[Abstract]:The mass line is one of the basic aspects of the living soul of Mao Zedong's thought. The main contents include: "the people are the real motive force for the creation of history, everything for the masses, all rely on the masses, come from the masses, go to the masses." Is an advanced member of the Chinese Communist Party, led by Comrade Mao Zedong, in the process of leading China's new democratic revolution, socialist transformation and socialist construction, conducting in-depth investigations and studies around specific realities. The valuable spiritual wealth summed up and refined from the arduous struggle against formidable enemies and innumerable difficulties. The mass line combines the universal principle of Marxism that the masses are the creators of history with the concrete reality of China, and forms a set of scientific and complete line systems used to guide the Party's actual activities. In the work practice, Mao Zedong has gradually concretized the mass line, made it the working line and leadership method of the Party, become the magic weapon of conquering the enemy and becoming the fundamental guarantee for our party to move from victory to victory. This paper mainly focuses on the inheritance and development of the Mao Zedong mass line in China, the formation and theoretical source of the Mao Zedong mass line. The main contents and the new interpretation of the mass line made by different leaders in different periods are deeply analyzed, especially the important exposition of the mass line made by General Secretary Xi Jinping after the 18th National Congress. It is pointed out that the mass line is a scientific theory with the quality of keeping pace with the times. The leaders of several generations of the Party have unswervingly adhered to the banner of the theory of the mass line, injected new ideas and contents into the mass line, and gave a new interpretation to the mass line. For different periods of revolution and construction as well as the development of reform has played an important role in guidance.


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