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发布时间:2017-12-31 09:20

  本文关键词:“俄国威胁论”与19世纪80年代英国远东政策 出处:《历史教学(下半月刊)》2016年11期  论文类型:期刊论文

  更多相关文章: “俄国威胁论” 远东政策 以夷制夷策略

[Abstract]:The second half of the nineteenth Century British processing, rendering the "Russian threat", both global strategic considerations, and prevention in the Far East, against the practical needs of south Russia, Britain's maintenance experience. Vested interest "Russian threat" refers to the object with the change of the pattern of international relations in East Asia is different, 1860s before rendering the Russian threat to Japan, in 70s after the Russian threat becomes focus of rendering North Korea. By making and rendering common threats ", once the British Japan Korea incorporated into the strategic sequence maintain its world hegemony, to build from Turkey to Japan to contain the U shaped line of containment of Russia that has exerted a far-reaching influence on the modern history of East Asia.

【作者单位】: 聊城大学历史文化学院;
【正文快照】: “俄国威胁论”是19世纪80年代前英国远东政策的重要内容。在它表面示弱的背后,隐含着深远的战略考量,即通过渲染“俄国威胁论”,刻意在远东地区制造紧张、恐怖气氛,将中日朝三国收编到英国的战略序列中,构筑起亚欧一体的遏制、围堵俄国的U形防线,确保英国在远东地区的既得利




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