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发布时间:2017-12-31 05:29

  本文关键词:中世纪英国乡村工资史研究中的两个问题 出处:《史学理论研究》2015年01期  论文类型:期刊论文

  更多相关文章: 中世纪 英国 工资差别 工资收入

[Abstract]:The relationship between wage labor and employment in rural areas is an important subject in the study of medieval history, under the academic background of the rise of economic and social history and the history of daily life. The standard of living of rural workers in Britain has aroused the widespread concern of scholars both at home and abroad, as an important source of income for employees. The role of wage has always been paid attention to by scholars. The current research on wage issues has paid too much attention to the changing trend of wages and their purchasing power, and has not paid attention to the wage difference and the duration of employment. As a result, the complexity and diversity of the living standards of employees are not well understood. As two important dimensions in the study of wage history. The discussion of wage difference and wage income can make up for the lack of understanding caused by boring statistical tables and curves, and help us to understand the living conditions of rural workers in the Middle Ages.
【作者单位】: 中国社会科学院世界历史研究所;
【正文快照】: 一、问题的提出乡村的雇佣劳动与雇佣关系是中世纪史研究的重要课题。在经济社会史和日常生活史兴起的学术背景下,乡村雇工?的生活水平引起了国内外学者的广泛关注,并催生了一大批研究成果的问世。作为雇工收人的重要来源,工资?的作用一向为学界所重视。13世纪中叶之后,许多地


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1 黄春高;;15、16世纪英国农村工资劳动者的历史考察[J];北大史学;2004年00期

2 杨杰;;英国农民家庭经济[J];杭州大学学报(哲学社会科学版);1988年03期


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1 杨杰;英国农业革命与家庭农场的崛起[J];世界历史;1993年05期

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1 陈志涛;分化与变迁[D];首都师范大学;2007年


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1 薛惠宗;十五—十七世纪英国乡村工商业的发展与其早期近代化[J];世界历史;1987年06期

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1 张志强;中世纪晚期及近代早期英国乡村工业发展简论[D];哈尔滨师范大学;2014年

2 王义松;转型时期英国乡村现代化问题研究[D];天津师范大学;2007年

3 范丽玲;中世纪英国乡村妇女生活探析[D];天津师范大学;2012年




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