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发布时间:2018-03-05 14:45

  本文选题:东方会议 切入点:田中奏折 出处:《决策与信息》2015年06期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:Japan's rulers are deeply disturbed by China's rising national awakening and the Northern Expedition of the National Revolutionary Army. From June 27th 1927 to July 7th, the Japanese cabinet convened in Tokyo the leader of the army and navy. At the "Oriental Conference" attended by the commander of the Guandong Army, Prime Minister Tanaka put forward the "Government Program for China" in the form of "instructions", the main contents of which were as follows: Japan will implement the policy of separating "Manchu Mongolia" from "China's native land"; China's internal affairs will be interfered with by force; the policy of political forces in China will be determined, etc.


相关期刊论文 前1条

1 金基凤;;“东方会议”与“大陆政策”[J];延边大学学报(社会科学版);1985年02期




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