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发布时间:2018-03-08 03:19

  本文选题:巴黎外方传教会 切入点:耶稣会 出处:《海交史研究》2016年01期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:After returning to China, the first French Jesuit, Mount Rhodes, found Lu Francis and others, who, with the support of the Holy see, set up a foreign missionary mission in Paris. This missionary group worked hard to explore the road from the Middle East to the integration of the sea and land in the Indian Ocean. At the same time, it helped the French far East to expand to Siam, establishing a new route to China for French missionaries. French merchant ships, mediated by the French Jesuits, arrived in China at the end of 17th century. Finally opened the sea between France and China. The contribution made by French missionaries to this end is obvious to all, partly because of the sense of nation-state that became apparent in 17th century. On the other hand, it was hoped that France would escort missionaries abroad to preach in the far East.
【作者单位】: 上海师范大学哲学学院;


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