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发布时间:2018-05-14 03:29

  本文选题:扫过 + 伯纳德 ; 参考:《书城》2015年11期

[Abstract]:Many years after graduation, and former teachers and classmates are not much contact. One day, several professors and classmates suddenly received emails saying that my doctoral thesis mentor, Bernard Wasserstein, was looking for me. It was his book "Shanghai Secret War: espionage, conspiracy and betrayal during World War II", which was being translated into Chinese. He hoped to find me and let me see the translation. I have also translated several books, knowing that although translation is difficult, proofreading is more difficult, translation proofreading is even more difficult, due to the feelings of teachers and students, but also had to hurriedly sweep the book. Speaking of speaking, there are some stories behind the book Shanghai Secret War.


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