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发布时间:2018-05-14 14:03

  本文选题:爱德华二世 + 王权 ; 参考:《学海》2015年03期

[Abstract]:This article aims to examine the political role played by Edward S's death and funeral in the succession of Prince Edward, thus revealing the inner relationship between the body, the royal ceremony and the power of the middle ages. In order to dissolve the tension caused by the transfer of the throne, the new regime not only created the death false image of Edward II, but also made use of the funeral statue for her. A grand funeral was held, and Edmund was executed to save the old king and to judge Mortimer with the crime of Regense. On the one hand, we saw, on the one hand, as the Royal Mausoleum of the Westminster Temple showed, the continuity of the medieval kingship was based on the continuity between the emperors' bodies; on the other hand, the funeral and sacrificial ceremonial system accompanied by the royal power. To a certain extent, to ensure the smooth succession of the throne, and to give the new king the ritual legitimacy.

【作者单位】: 同济大学人文学院;


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1 余永和;;中古英国废黜爱德华二世之辨析——兼评“1327年宪政革命”说[J];北方论丛;2008年03期

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