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发布时间:2018-05-14 19:51

  本文选题:基佐 + 《欧洲文明史》 ; 参考:《安阳师范学院学报》2016年01期

[Abstract]:Keizo's History of European Civilization shows that European civilization is rich, universal, and many factors constitute modern European civilization, and the state and government should guarantee the freedom of society. In the History of European Civilization, "Freedom" and "centralization" are two key words. The omissions and shortcomings of "History of European Civilization" lie in that, from the point of view, Kezo holds a linear progressive historical view and has a strong limitation of the times. In terms of methods, Keizo's combing of historical materials is typological and simplistic. We realize that some basic values in human civilization should be used for critical reference in order to promote the development of pluralistic society.
【作者单位】: 华东政法大学;


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