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发布时间:2018-06-01 06:55

  本文选题:苏联 + 村社 ; 参考:《世界历史》2016年06期

[Abstract]:Public donation is a kind of money raised by Russian village community to meet its own economic, social, cultural and other public needs. It is the tradition of the Russian village community since ancient times, and it is also the most stable and reliable guarantee of the village community's financial power. After the outbreak of the "grain purchase crisis" at the beginning of 1928, under the guidance of Stalin's "tributary tax theory," it provided funds for the country's industrial construction. The Soviet government adopted a policy of nationalizing village community public donations, forcing farmers to sell grain to the state. Although the policy was strongly resisted by the peasants, public donations were forced to become local taxes under the strong intervention of the state machinery, which eventually led to the loss of the property rights of the village community. The result is that it shakes the economic foundation of village community autonomy, weakens the public service function of village community, strengthens the administrative ability of village Soviet, strengthens the control of the Soviet government to the rural grassroots, and is conducive to the implementation of the collectivization of agriculture as a whole.
【作者单位】: 陕西师范大学历史文化学院;




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