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发布时间:2018-06-01 22:02

  本文选题:阮朝 + 总志 ; 参考:《史学史研究》2016年01期

[Abstract]:The compilation of Huangyue Unification and Geography is to highlight the martial arts of Jialong, so as to benefit the governance of Taoism and to solve the problem that the chronicles are not sufficient for them. After a field survey and oral information, the collection and collation of old graphic books, before Jialong five years 1806) September, the book was finally completed. The general edition of the book is Li Guangding, but also should see Wu Renjing, Li Liangshen and other people's contributions. In terms of narrative structure, the book has distinct characteristics different from other annals, and it is a record of the actual state of the administrative district at that time. As a general chronicle, its geographical value is the most remarkable. It contributes greatly to the restoration of the section of the administrative district, the correction of the errors of other classical books and the supplement of the records of the annals. The rich information it preserved became an important source of the later compilation of annals, in which the place names of the national and wild sounds were especially valuable because they were an intuitive reflection of the local folk customs at that time.
【作者单位】: 暨南大学历史地理研究中心;


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