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发布时间:2018-09-11 16:20
[Abstract]:This article chooses the Chinese porcelain trade on the "Silk Road" as the topic of discussion, hoping to outline the history of the interaction of world civilization brought about by the Chinese porcelain trade on the two roads of the Silk Road. Let us redefine the role of Chinese material culture in the process of world civilization reproduction, as well as its position and coordinates. The trade on the ancient Silk Road included not only tea, spices, silk, and ceramics, but the former took a one-way journey, from east to west, and was consumed at the end of the journey. Only porcelain, not only last long, but also be preserved in the museum and family inheritance, thus, in the interaction of culture plays a long-term role in the core. In addition, the world trade has caused the universal impact of artistic images and shapes, so we can see the continuous interaction and reproduction process of art images in different countries of the world. In addition, porcelain is a highly sensitive manometer between people and things, more sensitive than any other commodity. Because it records shocks from a variety of facets, including traditional art, international trade, industrial development, political unrest, elite thinking, ritual rituals and cultural contacts. Such discussions give us an opportunity to look back at the historical and cultural implications of the Silk Road and to help us see further our path to the future.
【作者单位】: 中国艺术研究院艺术人类学研究所;


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