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发布时间:2018-11-06 10:43
[Abstract]:Shenyang trial has become a miracle in the history of trial because of its full preparation, smooth process and far-reaching influence. Shenyang trial has such characteristics is derived from the reform of war criminals unique, comprehensive and in-depth development. Therefore, Shenyang trial and reform of war criminals complement each other and influence each other. To interpret the profound influence of war criminals reform from the perspective of Shenyang trial can explain the correct and unique road of the new Chinese government to reform war criminals, and highlight the important contribution that the reform of war criminals in new China has made to the history of the reform of human war criminals.
【作者单位】: "九·一八"历史博物馆办公室;


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1 赵朗;廖晓晴;张强;;沈阳审判与纽伦堡、东京、南京审判比较研究[J];辽宁大学学报(哲学社会科学版);2009年06期




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