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发布时间:2019-07-27 08:29
[Abstract]:During the British period, a large number of Chinese moved from China to Singapore, where a Chinese-dominated society was formed. Within the Chinese society, ordinary people are faced with problems such as birth, old age, illness and death, children's education and so on. Under the influence of liberalism, the colonial government adopted a laissez-faire attitude towards the Chinese and did not come forward to solve the problems faced by the people. However, the Zongxiang Guild Hall facilitated the Chinese community and effectively promoted the development of civil society by setting up schools, opening hospitals and carrying out mutual assistance activities. At the same time, the development of civil society has affirmed the necessity of the existence and development of Zongxiang clubhouse to a certain extent, and is one of the driving forces for the development and expansion of the clubhouse.
【作者单位】: 赣南师范大学历史文化与旅游学院;


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