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发布时间:2019-08-02 16:11
[Abstract]:The development of material production leads to the proliferation of greed and alienation of consumption, which is increasingly away from the primitive and simple life. The natural attitude of the ancient Greeks to life, the desire for truth, goodness, beauty, the shaping of justice, equality, love, goodness and nobility, the promotion of the concept of consumption without extravagance, simplicity and thrift, as well as the pursuit of peace and indifference, nobility and elegance, undoubtedly taught modern people a good lesson in extravagance and vanity. It is hoped that people can use reason to restrain desire, resist material supremacy and hedonism with moral personality and self-discipline, so as not to move with things, to practice carefully, to be free of desire, to be rich and elegant, and to promote human beings to enter into fraternity and leniency, to accumulate morality and to do good, to be clear, round and good, and to live without self.
【作者单位】: 南京师范大学商学院;


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