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发布时间:2019-08-06 21:28
[Abstract]:In the mid-19 th century, the Crimean War broke out between Britain and France and tsar Russia over the near East. British newspapers played an important role in the war. They not only cooperated with the government's efforts to incite anti-Russian sentiment and created public opinion about the Russian War. The Times and other newspapers also displayed the British military's organizational, management chaos and tactical misconduct in public through reports sent back by war reporters, thus forming great political pressure on the British government and the military. This not only improves the status of the press in the hearts of the people, but also greatly improves the influence of the press on British political life. But at the same time, the control of public opinion in the British press also aroused the vigilance of the government, which contributed to the introduction of the British wartime publishing censorship system.
【作者单位】: 南开大学历史学院;


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1 湛伍良;北京召开网络游戏出版审查工作会[N];中国新闻出版报;2010年

2 张改云邋尹静;谁为健康类图书“体检”[N];中国质量报;2008年

3 张健;“喜羊羊被罚”并不冤[N];辽宁日报;2013年




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