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发布时间:2018-03-30 22:25

  本文选题:殖民贸易 切入点:殖民国家 出处:《史学理论研究》2013年04期

[Abstract]:The colonization movement in Europe was initiated by Portugal and Spain on the Iberian Peninsula in the late 15th century. In the 17th century, emerging colonial powers continued to emerge. The competition for colonies between Portugal and Spain is also a process of global expansion of European colonial powers. With the development of the European colonial movement in the world, colonial trade was an important means for colonial powers to fight for strategic resources to establish global hegemony. An era in which France's three countries competed for colonies in the world. Portugal's colonial expansion in Western Europe
【作者单位】: 中国社会科学院世界历史研究所;


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