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发布时间:2018-03-30 23:35

  本文选题:前伊斯兰时期 切入点:伊朗 出处:《郑州大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》2017年03期

[Abstract]:In the pre-Islamic period, Iran formed a rich and colorful political culture, the basic connotation of which is embodied in the following three aspects: in the political theory, through the comparison of democracy, oligarchy and individual autocracy,Dictatorial rule is considered the best method of governance, emphasizing the role of religion in politics.In the aspect of national governance, the subjugated nations were treated well, and many innovations were made in the system of state rule, such as the provincial system of the Persian Empire, the information system and so on.In the construction of the rule of law, a set of norms of conduct was formed with the aid of religion, and the system of oath and divine judgment was established in the judicial aspect.The political culture of Iran in the pre-Islamic period had an important influence on the process of world history. It was an important factor that once occupied the forefront of the world civilization in ancient Iran, and was also emulated by the conquerors of later generations of Iran.It deeply influenced the Arab Empire, which is an important part of the Arab political culture, and also had an important influence on the Alexander Empire, the Roman Empire, the Mughal Empire and so on.The political culture of Iran in the pre-Islamic period inevitably has its limitations, the main purpose of which is to maintain the rule of the people in power, is a preliminary exploration, and does not have a systematic theoretical nature.
【作者单位】: 河南师范大学马克思主义学院;


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