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发布时间:2019-01-04 12:34
[Abstract]:As an important research object of social life history, culture and custom history and sports history, Bo Opera is one of the main entertainment ways of Chinese ancient people. People have excavated and studied the traditional four books, Dunhuang documents and frescoes, which have greatly enriched the understanding of the Bo Opera. However, the historical data of more than 3,000 characters in the Japanese monk's book "the Brahma net caution against the Japanese Pearl banknote" preserved the records of 10 kinds of Bo operas by the monks of China and Japan in the middle ancient times. So far, except for one scholar who has been used in tug-of-war research, the others have not been fully utilized and studied. In this paper, the introduction summarizes the Bo opera and its research status, introduces the content of the book "the Brahma net caution against the Japanese pearl banknote", and focuses on the textual research on the life and writings of the monks in China and Japan cited in the article "Bo Xiu" in order to understand the times when the various theories came out. Explain the reason why it has higher historical material value. The chapter arrangement of the text is based on the order of the Bo dramas contained in the article, and textual research is carried out on the chapters of Cynthia Pu, Porosai Opera, playing chess, Shuanglu (with Liu Bo), throwing stones and throwing pots. In each chapter, we first record the relevant historical materials in "the Brahma net warning this book and the Japanese beads", arrange its punctuation and briefly describe the characteristics of its literature. Then on this basis, combined with the records of historical documents, the origin, development, utensils, specific rules and other issues recorded in the historical materials, such as the detailed textual research. Among them, the research on various forms and rules of Bo opera is more thorough, and it is proved that the Tang people made Shuanglu as "six Bo" by mistake. It is the first time to study the relationship between Zhong Kui and the lost text of Shangguan Yi. This paper highlights the important literature value of these new historical materials to the study of Bo Opera, and it is beneficial to the study of the development of various kinds of Bo Opera in the Middle Ancient period. Of course, because of the monk's identity, the Bo Opera may not be very familiar with, the "Bo Opera" also has false records. And because of its relatively simple records about go, Pian Ju, Badaohang City, and the tug of war (lead Road) part of the scholars have done research, so this paper has no textual research on these kinds of Bo Opera.


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