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发布时间:2017-03-05 22:47


? 副教授,主要从事管理心理学和人力资源管理研究,重点研究自主创新与员工组织模式和人才结构优化、农村剩余劳动力转移。
? 联系方式:**(院办);**(手机)
Email: mengguowang@163.com
? 办公地点:田家炳教育书院大楼

? 主讲课程
1. 心理健康教育
2. 管理心理学
3. 消费者行为学
4. 人事测评技术

? 主要研究课题

? 主要研究成果
1. 王国猛, 郑全全, 赵曙明. 团队心理授权的维度结构与测量研究. 南开管理评论, 2012(2)
2. 王国猛, 赵曙明, 郑全全. 西方团队心理授权模型评价与展望. 管理学报, 2012(8)
3. 王国猛, 赵曙明, 郑全全. 团队信任与团队水平组织公民行为: 团队心理授权的中介作用研究. 大连理工大学学报(社会科学版), 2012(2)
4. 王国猛, 赵曙明, 郑全全. 团队气氛与团队心理授权: 团队信任的中介作用. 心理与行为研究, 2012(3)
5. 王国猛, 赵曙明, 郑全全, 文亮. 团队心理授权、组织公民行为与团队绩效的关系. 管理工程学报, 2011(2)
6. 王国猛, 黎建新, 郑全全. 多元社会支持对返乡农民工再就业影响的追踪研究:基于湖南返乡农民工的调查. 中国农村观察, 2011(5)
7. 王国猛, 郑全全, 黎建新. 社会网络特征、工作搜索策略对新生代农民工工作搜索行为的影响. 农业经济问题, 2011(10)
8. 王国猛, 郑全全, 黎建新等. 团队心理授权、组织公民行为与团队主动性关系的实证研究. 科学学与科学技术管理, 2010(1)
9. 王国猛, 黎建新, 廖水香. 个人价值观、环境态度与消费者绿色购买行为关系的实证研究. 软科学, 2010(4)
10. 王国猛, 黎建新, 廖水香等. 环境价值观与消费者绿色购买行为: 环境态度的中介作用研究. 大连理工大学学报(社会科学版), 2010(4)
11. 王国猛, 黎建新. 授权管理和知识管理与员工创新能力的发展. 求索, 2010(2)
12. 王国猛, 黎建新, 廖水香. 消费价值观研究述评. 消费经济, 2009(5)
13. 王国猛, 郑全全. 员工授权管理: 起源、研究范式及其发展趋势. 科研管理, 2008(3)
14. 王国猛, 郑全全. 心理授权、心理氛围与工作绩效的关系. 心理科学, 2008(2)
15. 王国猛, 郑全全. 心理授权与心理契约关系的研究. 人类工效学, 2008(3)
17. 王国猛, 郑全全. 工作激励研究进展. 人类工效学, 2007(3)
18. 王国猛, 徐诗佳. 新生代农民工工作搜索行为及其影响因素: 基于计划行为理论和 668 份调查问卷. 湖南农业大学学报(社会科学版), 2013(3)

王国猛. 中国文化背景下团队心理授权研究: 结构、形成机制及其对团队绩效的影响(学术专著). 浙江大学出版社, 2012

郑全全, 赵立, 谢天. 社会心理学研究方法(新世纪高等学校教材). 第十四章信度、构思效度和问卷结构. 王国猛. 北京师范大学出版社, 2010

? 个人简历
2009.12-2012.07 南京大学商学院工商管理博士后流动站博士后研究;
2005.09-2008.06 在浙江大学心理与行为科学系学习,获教育学博士学位;
2001.09-2004.06 在湖南师范大学心理系系学习,,获教育学硕士学位;
1995.09-1999.06 在湖南师范大学心理系系学习,获理学学士学位。
2012.07- 湖南师范大学教育科学学院心理系;
2008.07-2012.06 长沙理工大学经济与管理学院企业管理系;
Contact Information
Email: mengguowang@163.com
Office phone: 86-**
Mobile phone: **368
Fax: 86-**
Mail Address:
Hunan Normal University
College of Education Science
Department of Psychology
2 Taozihu Road, Yuelu District
Changsha, Hunan
410081 People’s Republic of China

Dehua Liu, Ph.D
Associate Professor
Department of Psychology

The influence of independent innovation on the management pattern and personnel structure
Transference of rural labor force

Postdoctor, Nanjing University, 2012
Ph.D., Zhejiang University, 2008
M.Ed., Hunan Normal University, 2004

Main research focused on using case study and survey research to study the employee empowerment , such as the construct, formation mechanism, and its relationship with individual and team performance in Chinese culture; the problem of reemployment of returned peasant workers. Recent research interests lies in emotional creativity, organizational ambidexterity and human resource management in SMEs.
Postdoctor The influence of independent innovation on the management pattern and personnel structure. Nanjing University, 2012.
Ph.D. The structure of team psychological empowerment and its relationship with team performance. Zhejiang University, 2008.
M.Ed. An experimental research for the self-education of emotion and junior high school student’s ability of emotion regulation. Hunan Normal University, 2004.

2012 – Present Associate Professor of Department of Psychology, College of Education Science, Hunan Normal University.
2008-2012 Lecturer of Department of Business Administration, School of Economics and Management, Changsha University of Science and Technology.
2004-2005 Teaching Assistant of Centre for Psychological Health Education, Department of Student Affairs, Central South University.

2011-PresentA Cross-level Research on the mechanism of Empowering Leadership Behavior and Psychological Empowerment on Individual and Team Creativity, funded by The Ministry of education of Humanities and Social Sciences Fund.
2010-2012A Research on the Countermeasure and Long-term Mechanism of the Reemployment of Returned Peasant Workers in Hunan under the Global Financial Crisis, funded by Hunan Province Philosophy Social Science Fund.
2011-2012 A Cross-level mechanism of Empowering Leadership Behavior and its Impacting on Organizational Creativity, funded by China Postdoctoral Science Foundation.
2010-2012 The Research onPsychological Empowerment in Chinese Culture: the Construct, Formation Mechanism, and its Relationship with Team Performance, funded by the natural science foundation of Hunan Province.
2010-2012 The Building up of Green marketing ethics and its Impacting on consumers’ purchase intention, funded by Hunan Provincial Department of Education Research.

Representative Articles in Academic Journals
Wang Guomeng, Zheng Quan quan, & Zhao Shuming. (2012). A Study on the Dimension Structure and Measurement of Team Psychological Empowerment. Nankai Business Review, 15(2): 48-58.
Wang Guomeng, Zhao Shuming, & Zheng Quanquan. (2012). A Review and Outlook of the Model of Team Psychological Empowerment in the Western Countries. Chinese Journal of Management, 9(8): 1244-1250.
Wang Guomeng, Zhao Shuming, & Zheng Quanquan. (2012). The Relationship between Team Trust and Team Organizational Citizenship Behavior: the Mediating Effect of Team Psychological Empowerment. Journal of Dalian University of Technology(Social Sciences), 33(2): 71-75.
Wang Guomeng, Zhao Shuming, & Zheng Quanquan. (2012). A Study on the Relationship between Team Climate and Team Psychological Empowerment: The Mediating Effect of Team Trust. Studies of Psychology and Behavior, 10(3): 202-208.
Wang Guomeng, Zhao Shuming, & Zheng Quanquan. (2011). Investigating the Relationship between Team Psychological Empowerment and Team Performance: The Mediating Effect of Organizational Citizenship Behaviors. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 25(2): 1-7.
Wang Guomeng, Li Jianxin, & Zheng Quanquan. (2011). A Longitudinal Study on the Impact of Multiple Social Support Systems on the Reemployment of Returned Peasant Workers: based on the Questionnaires of Returned Peasant Workers in Hunan. China Rural Survey, (5): 69-77.
Wang Guomeng, Zheng Quanquan, & Li Jianxin. (2011). A Study on the Impact of Social Network Characteristics,Job Search Strategy on the Reemployment among New Generation of the Peasant Workers. Issues in Agricultural Economy, (10): 76-82.
Wang Guomeng, Zheng Quanquan, Li Jianxin, & WEN Liang. (2010). An Empirical Research on the Relationship between Team Psychological Empowerment and Team Proactivity: the Mediating Effect of Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Science of Science and Management of S.& T., (1): 157-161.
Wang Guomeng, Li Jianxin, & LIAO Shuixiang. (2010). An Empirical Analysis of the Relationship between Personal Values, Environmental Attitude and Consumer's Green Purchasing Behavior. Soft Science, 24(4): 135-140.
Wang Guomeng, Li Jianxin, LIAO Shui-xiang, & WEN Liang. (2010). Study of the Relationship between Environmental Values and Green Purchasing Behavior: the Mediating Effect of Environmental Attitude. Journal of Dalian University of Technology(Social Sciences), 31(4): 37-42.
Wang Guomeng, & Li Jianxin. (2010). The Integration of Empowerment Management and knowledge Management, and its Relationship with the Development of Employee Innovation Ability. Seeker, (2): 69-70.
Wang Guomeng, Li Jianxin, & LIAO Shui-xiang. (2009). Review of Studies on Consumption Values. Consumer Economics, 25(5): 87-91.
Wang Guomeng, & Zheng Quanquan. (2008). Employee empowerment management: Origin, research paradigm, and future direction. Science Research Management, 29(3): 164-171.
Wang Guomeng, & Zheng Quanquan. (2008). Psychological Empowerment as the Moderator of
the Relationship between Psychological Climate and Job Performance. Psychological Science, 31(2): 294-298.
Wang Guomeng, & Zheng Quanquan. (2008). A Study of the Relationship between Psychological Empowerment and Psychological Contract. Chinese Journal of Ergonomics, 14(3): 41-43.
Wang Guomeng, & Zheng Quanquan. (2008). Research Progress of Work Motivation. Chinese Journal of Ergonomics, 13(3): 60-63.
WANG Guo-meng, & XU Shi-jia. (2013). Factors affecting the job search behavior of new generation of peasant workers: Based on TPB and 668 questionnaires. Journal of Hunan Agricultural University(Social Sciences),14(3): 40-46.

Representative Books
WANG Guo-meng. (2012). The Research on Psychological Empowerment in Chinese Culture: the Construct, Formation Mechanism, and its Relationship with Team Performance: Zhejiang University Press.
WANG Guo-meng. (2010). Chapter 14 Reliability, Construct Validity andthe Structure of Questionnaire. In Zheng Quanquan, ZHAO Li and XIE Tian, Research Methods in Social Psychology. Beijing Normal University press

2004-Present Member, Chinese Psychological Society.
2008-Present Member, Society of Management Science of China.





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