
发布时间:2018-01-03 18:43

  本文关键词:面板数据回归样条线混合效应模型的应用 出处:《湖北工业大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 回归样条线混合效应模型 蒙特卡洛模拟 城乡收入差距 库兹涅茨曲线

[Abstract]:In medicine, biology, econometrics, finance, and agriculture, panel data are usually encountered. Scholars have proposed a non-parametric regression model of panel data, which is a very important statistical model in panel data model. In solving the practical problems, the non-parametric model of panel data is closer to the real model. The regression spline mixed effect model is the most operable among many panel data non-parametric models. The most widely used model. The full text is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is the introduction part, elaborated the panel data non-parametric regression model research background, purpose and research significance. And introduced the panel data mixed effect model modeling hypothesis and the basic form of the model. The second chapter is the theoretical part. The regression spline mixed effect (MERS) model is systematically expounded, including the construction method of the MERS model, the method of solving the model and the determination of smooth parameters. The third chapter is the part of simulation and comparison. Comparing the regression spline mixed effect (MERS) model with polynomial method in Monte Carlo simulation, the conclusion is drawn that the MERS model is superior to the polynomial method in the estimation of population function. But in the aspect of individual function estimation, the performance is not as good as polynomial method. In addition, when the relationship between predictive variables and corresponding variables is unknown, and there may be a complex relationship between them. The MERS model is more robust than the polynomial method, so it is more applicable. Chapter 4th is the empirical research part, the first empirical analysis is aimed at the problem of urban-rural income gap and economic growth in China. This paper expounds the evolution trend of urban-rural income gap, and establishes the model of the relationship between urban-rural income gap and economic growth. The relationship between economic growth and urban-rural income gap is proved to be inversely U-shaped, and the time of reaching the peak point and the per capita GDP at the peak point are estimated. Finally, it is proposed to reduce the income gap between urban and rural areas. The second empirical analysis is based on MERS model. Through the empirical analysis of BMI-age data set, we get the estimation of the total mean function and the derivative of the total mean function. Through the overall analysis, we estimate that the age of 13.7 years old is the fastest growing age of BMI; The average trigger age of obesity and overweight is 20.41 years old and 21.17 years old, respectively. By analyzing overweight and overweight individuals, we find that most of them are overweight. The trigger age of obese individuals is 15-25 years old, so it is necessary to carry out diet and exercise intervention in middle school and college stage. Chapter 5th is the summary of the full text.


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