
发布时间:2023-04-27 01:15
  英语空间介词习得研究发现,二语学习者在空间介词的使用上常存在语义范畴划分不清的问题。为此,研究者在认知语言学的框架内对影响空间介词习得的认知因素进行了探讨。空间范畴化的语言特异性使母语迁移成为研究者关注的一个焦点。但研究大多聚焦于空间介词语义或概念表征的语际异同,忽略了空间介词作为描述物体间空间关系的词汇,其语义或概念表征常常是物体范畴特别是参照物范畴的投射。如对于"there is an apple______the plate"中盘子和苹果的空间关系,说话者会选择in还是on来描述在很大程度上取决于盘子是被范畴化为一个容器还是一个支撑面。那么对于英语学习者来说,这种参照物范畴是否也会影响到其英语空间介词的选择?其空间介词习得中母语迁移的发生是否源于参照物范畴?上述问题的回答将有助于揭示英语关系类语义结构习得中独特的母语迁移机制。依据原型理论,本研究提出参照物范畴包含范畴原型性和范畴语际异同两个方面。基于此,本研究以英语空间介词in为例,就容器范畴原型性和容器范畴语际异同对中国英语学习者空间介词in使用的影响进行实证研究,以此揭示空间介词in使用中迁移发生的概念...

【文章页数】:215 页


List of Abbreviations
Chapter One Introduction
    1.1 Research Background
    1.2 Objectives of the Study
    1.3 Organization of the Dissertation
Chapter Two Literature Review
    2.1 Introduction
    2.2 Categories of Reference Objects
        2.2.1 Prototype Theory
        2.2.2 Prototype Approach to Categories of Reference Objects
    2.3 Conceptual Transfer
        2.3.1 New Theoretical Advances
        2.3.2 Definition of Conceptual Transfer
        2.3.3 Empirical Studies of Conceptual Transfer
    2.4 Studies of L2 Acquisition of English Spatial Prepositions
        2.4.1 Non-cognitive Studies of L2 Acquisition of English Spatial Prepositions
        2.4.2 Cognitive Studies of L2 Acquisition of English Spatial Prepositions
    2.5 Summary
Chapter Three Theoretical Framework
    3.1 Introduction
    3.2 Dependency of the Use of in on the Categories of Containers
        3.2.1 Analytic Model of Autonomy-dependency Alignment
        3.2.2 Formation of the Construction[IN+N]
    3.3 Cognitive Basis of the Use of in by Second Language Learners
        3.3.1 Connectionist Approach to Bilingual Conceptual Representation
        3.3.2 Conceptual Mechanism of L1 Transfer in the Use of in by L2 Learners
    3.4 Summary
Chapter Four A Preliminary Study of the CONTAINER Category
    4.1 Introduction
    4.2 Prototypicality of Container
        4.2.1 Type Ⅰ Container
        4.2.2 Type Ⅱ Container
        4.2.3 Type Ⅲ Container
        4.2.4 Type Ⅳ Container
        4.2.5 Type Ⅴ Container
        4.2.2 Type Ⅵ Container
        4.2.7 Type Ⅶ Container
    4.3 A Cross-linguistic Comparison of the CONTAINER Category
        4.3.1 Type Ⅰ Equivalence
        4.3.2 Type Ⅱ Equivalence
        4.3.3 Type Ⅲ Equivalence
        4.3.4 Type Ⅳ Equivalence
        4.3.5 Type Ⅴ Equivalence
        4.3.6 Type Ⅵ Equivalence
    4.4 Summary
Chapter Five Research Methodology
    5.1 Introduction
    5.2 Research Questions
    5.3 Research Design
    5.4 Operational Definition of L2 Proficiency
    5.5 Participants
    5.6 Instruments
        5.6.1 Preposition Test
        5.6.2 Tasks to Collect Data on L1 Transfer
    5.7 Procedure
    5.8 Data Analysis
    5.9 Summary
Chapter Six Results and Discussion
    6.1 Introduction
    6.2 Results of the Effect of Prototypicality
        6.2.1 Use of in Different Prototypical Contexts
        6.2.2 Use of in across Different Proficiency Groups
    6.3 Results of the Effect of Degree of Equivalence
        6.3.1 Use of in for Different Degrees of Cross-linguistic Equivalence
        6.3.2 Use of in across Different Proficiency Groups
    6.4 Discussion of the Results
        6.4.1 Cognitive Basis of the Use of in by L2 Learners
        6.4.2 Change of the Effects of Prototypicality and Degree of Equivalence with Variation of L2 Proliciency
    6.5 Summary
Chapter Seven Conclusion
    7.1 Major Findings
        7.1.1 Findings of the Effect of Prototypicality
        7.1.2 Findings of the Effect of Degree of Cross-linguistic Equivalence
    7.2 Implications of the Research
        7.2.1 Theoretical Implications
        7.2.2. Methodological Implications
        7.2.3 Pedagogical Implications
    7.3 Limitations of the Research
    7.4 Suggestions for Future Research
Appendix Ⅰ
Appendix Ⅱ
Appendix Ⅲ
Appendix Ⅳ




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