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发布时间:2018-10-05 12:31
[Abstract]:With the change of international communication language and the ecology of academic communication, the linguistic context of academic communication in Chinese scientific community has gradually changed from mother-tongue to mainstay, multilingual use, and even English as the main language within the academic community. The tendency of mother tongue to be secondary. According to the function and demand of academic communication language, scientists should actively adapt to the requirements of academic communication context in the choice of academic communication language, actively choose English communication within the academic community, and carry out academic popularization and education. Make full use of the advantages of Chinese language, inheritance and development of national language culture. The international status of Chinese and the responsibilities of science and technology workers and their language ability suggest that the English academic and pragmatic competence of Chinese science and technology workers still needs to be further strengthened and the reform of college English teaching in China needs to be further deepened. This will provide a useful reference on how to use the world's academic discourse system to disseminate China's latest scientific research achievements and thus strengthen China's academic self-confidence.
【作者单位】: 北京服装学院外语系;




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