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发布时间:2021-04-17 19:08
  《易经》是我国古代哲学、自然科学与社会科学、政治、艺术相结合的一部巨著,是中国最古老文献之一,被儒家尊为“六经之首”。《易经》自17世纪首次以拉丁文传入欧洲后,被陆续翻译成法语、英语、德语、意大利语等多种语言。其中,《易经》的英译本最多,而最新的当属维京企鹅出版社于2014年出版的著名英国汉学家、文学翻译家闵福德的译本I Ching:The Essential Translation of the Ancient Chinese Oracle and Book of Wisdom(下文简称I Ching)。该译本一经出版,好评不断,并于2016年获得澳大利亚“卓越翻译奖”,被评价为“一个对中国早期经籍具有决定意义的译本”,引起了国内外《易经》爱好者和翻译研究者的高度关注,其译本研究价值不言而喻。布尔迪厄的社会学理论认为,语言是人们实践活动的中介,而语言的实践性是由人们在实践活动中的场域、资本和惯习所决定。翻译是两种语言交流的社会实践活动,译者作为行动者,其主体性作用对翻译过程和结果都产生了巨大的影响。而译者主体性主要是指:译者在客观环境的基础上,为了实现翻译目的而在翻译活动中表现出的主... 


【文章页数】:77 页


A Bilingual List of Terms about I Ching
Chapter One Introduction
    1.1 Research Background
    1.2 Introduction to the Original and the Translated Texts of I Ching
    1.3 Contents of the Research
    1.4 Purpose and Significance
    1.5 Thesis Structure
Chapter Two Previous Researches on the Studies of the English Translation of I Ching
Chapter Three Bourdieu’s Sociological Theory
    3.1 Origin of Bourdieu’s Sociological Theory
    3.2 Key Concepts of Bourdieu’s Sociological Theory
    3.3 Translation Studies from the Perspective of Sociological Theory
Chapter Four Translator's Subjectivity
    4.1 Passivity
    4.2 Initiative
    4.3 Intentionality
Chapter Five The Translator's Subjectivity in Minford’s Version of I Ching Guided by the Sociological Theory
    5.1 Taking Advantage of the Existing I Ching Translation Field to Overcome the Translator's Passivity
        5.1.1 Using Wade-Giles Spelling and Chinese Pinyin to Meet Target Readers’Needs of Different Ages
        5.1.2 Selectively Translating Modern Yi Studies Work to Enhance Times Value of the Ancient Classic and its Translated Version
        5.1.3 Demonstrating Divination Steps by Self-divination and Self-interpretation to Emphasize the Practicality of I Ching
    5.2 Possessing Abundant Capital to Fully Exert the Translator's Initiative
        5.2.1 Owning Affluent Economic Capital to Translate his Desired Works
        5.2.2 Relying on Rich Social Capital to Achieve an Excellent Translation
        5.2.3 Enriching Cultural Capital to Employ Translation Strategies and Methods Flexibly
    5.3 Relying on Personal Habitus to Achieve the Translator’s Intentionality
        5.3.1 Referring to Multiple Chinese Base Texts of I Ching to Ensure Full Interpretation
        5.3.2 Signaling the Initials JM to Express his Exclusive Commentaries
        5.3.3 Deliberately Adding Chinese Characters to Present the Linguistic Foreignness of Chinese
        5.3.4 Borrowing Latin Words to Highlight the Mystery of the Source Text
Chapter Six Conclusion

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[2]沙博理《新儿女英雄传》英译本译者主体性探析[J]. 徐婷婷.  外国语文. 2017(03)
[3]我国翻译研究现状分析——基于2005—2016年国家社科基金翻译研究类立项项目统计[J]. 黄婷,黄勤.  上海翻译. 2017(03)
[4]论“大数据”时代背景下译者主体性的动态变化趋势[J]. 孙阳,王永.  江西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版). 2017(03)
[5]社会学路径翻译研究国际动态及其启示[J]. 谭莲香,付臻.  天津外国语大学学报. 2017(03)
[6]闵福德《易经》英译述评[J]. 卢玉卿,张凤华.  中国翻译. 2017(02)
[7]译者闵福德研究(1996—2016):现状与展望[J]. 许明武,王烟朦.  外国语文. 2017(01)
[8]拿出“最好的中国”——朱振武访谈闵福德[J]. 朱振武,闵福德,陈菲.  东方翻译. 2017(01)
[9]闵福德《易经》英译与《易经》外译的两个系统——兼论中华古籍外译的当代化取向[J]. 王晓农.  燕山大学学报(哲学社会科学版). 2017(02)
[10]跨越边界:探索中国文化对外译介的有效机制[J]. 李文婕.  亚太跨学科翻译研究. 2016(02)

[1]从布迪厄社会学理论分析李霁野的翻译《四季随笔》[D]. 方俊.安徽大学 2017




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