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发布时间:2021-06-07 12:40


【文章页数】:71 页


Chapter One Introduction
    1.1 Research background
    1.2 Research significance and purpose
    1.3 Structure of the thesis
Chapter Two Literature Review
    2.1 Language learning strategies
        2.1.1 Definition of language learning strategies
        2.1.2 Classification of language learning strategies
        2.1.3 Relationship between language learning strategies application and language proficiency
    2.2 Vocabulary learning strategies
        2.2.1 Definition of vocabulary learning strategies
        2.2.2 Classification of vocabulary learning strategies
        2.2.3 Relationship between vocabulary learning strategies application and vocabularyproficiency
    2.3 Theoretical foundation
        2.3.1 Constructivism theory
        2.3.2 Multiple intelligence theory
    2.4 Previous study on vocabulary learning strategies
        2.4.1 Previous studies abroad
        2.4.2 Previous studies at home
    2.5 Summary
Chapter Three Research Design
    3.1 Research questions
    3.2 Research participants
    3.3 Instruments
        3.3.1 Questionnaire
        3.3.2 Test
        3.3.3 Interview
    3.4 Research procedure
        3.4.1 Research overview
        3.4.2 Questionnaire to students
        3.4.3 Vocabulary test
        3.4.4 Interview for students
    3.5 Data collection and data analysis
        3.5.1 Data collection
        3.5.2 Data analysis
Chapter Four Data analysis and discussion
    4.1 Results and analysis of the vocabulary learning strategies application tendencies
        4.1.1 Analysis on the application of all vocabulary learning strategies
        4.1.2 Analysis on the application of meta-cognitive strategies
        4.1.3 Analysis on the application of cognitive strategies
        4.1.4 Analysis on the application of communicative strategies
        4.1.5 Analysis on the application of affective strategies
    4.2 Results and analysis of the correlation between students’ strategies application and theirvocabulary proficiency
    4.3 Results and analysis of the differences between high and low score group students in the application of vocabulary learning strategies
        4.3.1 Analysis of all vocabulary learning strategies
        4.3.2 Analysis of meta-cognitive strategies
        4.3.3 Analysis of cognitive strategies
        4.3.4 Analysis of communicative strategies
        4.3.5 Analysis of affective strategies
    4.4 Discussion
Chapter Five Conclusion
    5.1 Major findings
    5.2 Implications
    5.3 Limitations
    5.4 Suggestions for future research
    Appendix Ⅰ Questionnaire on the use of vocabulary learning strategies in senior high schoolstudents
    Appendix Ⅱ Interview questions
    Appendix Ⅲ Vocabulary Test
The list of the research papers published by the author

[1]以策略训练为基础的大学英语教学实践研究[J]. 马刚,王娟.  外语教学. 2010(01)
[2]大学生词汇学习策略实证研究[J]. 周姝,何华清.  科教文汇(上旬刊). 2009(10)
[3]外语学习策略研究四十年[J]. 倪清泉.  四川外语学院学报. 2008(06)
[4]英语学习策略教学在大学英语教学中的实践研究[J]. 李育.  外语界. 2008(04)
[5]初中生英语词汇学习策略运用现状实证调查与分析[J]. 李宋昊.  外国语言文学. 2006(02)
[6]英语词汇学习面面观——答客问[J]. 桂诗春.  外语界. 2006(01)
[7]高中学生词汇学习策略与英语成绩的关系研究[J]. 付洁.  烟台教育学院学报. 2005(03)
[8]语言学习策略及制约学习策略的学习者因素[J]. 房立敏.  承德民族师专学报. 2004(04)
[9]影响外语学习策略系统运行的各种因素评述[J]. 文秋芳,王立非.  外语与外语教学. 2004(09)
[10]非英语专业大学生词汇策略研究[J]. 高越.  国外外语教学. 2004(03)

[1]高中生英语词汇学习策略的使用情况调查[D]. 陈燕青.东北师范大学 2011
[2]高中生英语词汇学习策略调查研究[D]. 张黎丽.东北师范大学 2007
[3]高中生英语词汇学习及其策略的调查研究[D]. 丁兆清.南京师范大学 2005




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