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发布时间:2021-06-07 19:27


【文章页数】:66 页


A Brief List of Related Abbreviations
Chapter1 Introduction
    1.1 Background of the Research
    1.2 Purpose of the Study
    1.3 Significance of the Study
    1.4 Thesis Framework of the Research
Chapter2 Literature Review
    2.1 The Generative Teaching Philosophy
        2.1.1 The Definition of the Generative Philosophy
        2.1.2 The Definition of the Generative Teaching Philosophy
        2.1.3 The Developing Process and Relevant Studies of the Generative TeachingPhilosophy Abroad
        2.1.4 The Differences Between the Generative Teaching Philosophy and thePresupposed Teaching
    2.2 The PAD Model
        2.2.1 The Definition of the PAD Model
        2.2.2 The Relevant Studies and Research Status of the PAD Model in China
        2.2.3 The Research Trends of the PAD Model in China
    2.3 The Generative Teaching Philosophy and the PAD Model
        2.3.1 The Creative Combination and Connection Between the Generative TeachingPhilosophy and the PAD Model
        2.3.2 The Concrete Teaching Plan Under the Combination of the GenerativeTeaching Philosophy and the PAD Model
Chapter3 Theoretical Basis
    3.1 The Theory of Generative Philosophy
    3.2 The Theoretical Foundation of PAD Model
        3.2.1 Behaviorism
        3.2.2 Cognitivism
        3.2.3 Constructivism
        3.2.4 Humanism
Chapter4 Research Design
    4.1 Research Hypotheses
    4.2 Research Subjects
    4.3 Research Methods and Research Instruments
        4.3.1 Questionnaire
        4.3.2 Test papers
        4.3.3 Interview
    4.4 Research Procedure
    4.5 Teaching Procedure
        4.5.1 The Experimental Class
        4.5.2 The Control Class
Chapter Five Results and Data Analysis
    5.1 The Results and Analysis of Questionnaire
        5.1.1 The Pre-test Analysis of Questionnaire Between EC and CC
        5.1.2 The Post-test Analysis of Questionnaire Between EC and CC
        5.1.3 The Data Analysis of the Pre and Post Questionnaire Results About EC
        5.1.4 The Data Analysis of the Pre and Post Questionnaire Results About CC
        5.1.5 Summary
    5.2 The Results and Data Analysis of Test
        5.2.1 The Data Analysis of the Pre-test Between EC and CC
        5.2.2 The Data Analysis of the Post-test Between EC and CC
        5.2.3 The Data Analysis of Pre-test and Post-test About EC
        5.2.4 The Data Analysis of Pre-test and Post-test About CC
        5.2.5 Summary
    5.3 The Interview Analysis from EC
Chapter Six Discussion and Conclusion
    6.1 Major Findings of the Study
    6.2 Contributions of the Study
    6.3 Limitations of the Study
    6.4 Suggestions for Further Study
Appendix Ⅰ
Appendix Ⅱ
Appendix Ⅲ
Appendix Ⅳ
Appendix Ⅴ

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