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基于语料库的英语近义词对比研究 ——以specially,especially,particularly为例

发布时间:2021-06-26 18:05
  词汇研究一直是语言研究的重点。没有词汇,人们就无法表达任何事物。英语词汇很复杂,尤其值得注意的是,英语中有很多近义词。合理选择和运用近义词,可以使表达更加准确生动,提高语言的有效性和表达能力。基于语料库提供的大量真实自然的语言使用实例,探究中国英语学习者与英语本族语者对于近义词的使用差异,可以更好地为二语词汇教学提供帮助。本研究选取了英国国家语料库(BNC)和中国英语学习者语料库(CLEC)。采用基于语料库的中介语对比分析方法。借助WordNet、AntConc 3.5.8、BFSU Collocator 1.0、Sketch Engine和卡方计算器等工具,对近义词specially,especially和particularly进行研究。本研究分别在CLEC和BNC中检索这组近义词,并分析它们在频率、搭配和语义韵方面的相似点和差异。本研究还从上述三个维度比较了不同等级的中国英语学习者对这组近义词的使用。本研究的主要发现如下:1.与英语本族语者相比,在使用频数上,中国英语学习者倾向于过度使用especially,而particularly使用不足。specially的使用频率无显著性... 


【文章页数】:74 页


Chapter One Introduction
    1.1 Research background
    1.2 Purpose and significance of the study
    1.3 The organization of the thesis
Chapter Two Literature Review
    2.1 Corpus
    2.2 Theoretical framework
        2.2.1 Corpus linguistics
        2.2.2 Several dimensions of synonym differentiation in corpus linguistics
    2.3 Related studies
        2.3.1 Related corpus-based studies on synonyms abroad
        2.3.2 Related corpus-based studies on synonyms at home
    2.4 Summary
Chapter Three Research Methodology
    3.1 Research objects
    3.2 Research questions
    3.3 The corpora involved in the study
        3.3.1 British National Corpus(BNC)
        3.3.2 Chinese Learner English Corpus(CLEC)
    3.4 Research instruments
        3.4.1 WordNet
        3.4.2 AntConc3.5.8
        3.4.3 BFSU Collocator1.0
        3.4.4 Sketch Engine
        3.4.5 Chi-Square Calculator
    3.5 Research method
    3.6 Procedures of the study
    3.7 Summary
Chapter Four Results and Discussion
    4.1 Results and discussion of frequency
        4.1.1 Analysis and discussion of frequency of specially,especially,particularly in BNC
        4.1.2 Analysis and discussion of frequency of specially,especially,particularly in CLEC
        4.1.3 Analysis and discussion of frequency of specially,especially,particularly in BNC andCLEC
        4.1.4 Analysis and discussion of frequency of specially,especially,particularly at every gradeof CLEC
        4.1.5 Summary
    4.2 Results and discussion of collocation
        4.2.1 Analysis and discussion of collocation of specially,especially,particularly in BNC
        4.2.2 Analysis and discussion of collocation of specially,especially,particularly in CLEC andBNC
        4.2.3 Analysis and discussion of collocation of specially,especially,particularly at everygrade of CLEC
        4.2.4 Summary
    4.3 Results and discussion of semantic prosody
        4.3.1 Analysis and discussion of semantic prosody of specially,especially,particularly inBNC
        4.3.2 Analysis and discussion of semantic prosody of specially,especially,particularly inCLEC
        4.3.3 Analysis and discussion of semantic prosody of specially,especially,particularly inCLEC and BNC
        4.3.4 Analysis and discussion of semantic prosody of specially,especially,particularly atevery grade of CLEC
        4.3.5 Summary
    4.4 Summary
Chapter Five Conclusion
    5.1 Major findings
    5.2 Implications of this study
        5.2.1 The implications of vocabulary teaching
        5.2.2 The implications for dictionary compilation
    5.3 Limitations of this study
    5.4 Suggestions for the future research
Appendix Ⅰ Index row samples of specially in CLEC
Appendix Ⅱ Index row samples of especially in CLEC
Appendix Ⅲ Index row samples of particularly in CLEC
Appendix Ⅳ Index row samples of specially in BNC
Appendix Ⅴ Index row samples of especially in BNC
Appendix Ⅵ Index row samples of particularly in BNC
The list of the research papers published by author

[1]基于COCA语料库的“恐惧类”同义词汇辨析——以“fright”“fear”“dread”“dismay”为例[J]. 陶然.  现代交际. 2019(17)
[2]基于语料库的英语同义词研究——以accept和receive为例[J]. 郑丹.  黑龙江教育学院学报. 2018(12)
[3]基于语料库的近义词辨析研究——以affect和influence为例[J]. 吴姣.  兰州教育学院学报. 2018(12)
[4]国内语料库语言学发展研究[J]. 于淼.  英语广场. 2018(09)
[5]国内语料库语言学研究:回顾与展望——基于核心期刊24年文献的统计分析[J]. 张新杰.  西安外国语大学学报. 2017(02)
[6]语料库语言学研究现状分析[J]. 石志亮.  吉林省教育学院学报. 2017(01)
[7]基于语料库的英语同义词辨析——以“引起类”动词arouse,provoke和evoke为例[J]. 王岩.  大学英语(学术版). 2016(02)
[8]基于BNC语料库的近义副词Absolutely,Completely,Utterly辨析[J]. 冯绍锋,冯志伟.  鲁东大学学报(哲学社会科学版). 2016(04)
[9]基于语料库的同义副词辨析——以totally,completely,entirely,absolutely为例[J]. 金龙超.  鸡西大学学报. 2016(01)
[10]基于语料库的同义词abundant和plentiful中外使用对比研究[J]. 周倩倩.  英语教师. 2015(11)

[1]基于语料库的中国英语学习者和英语本族语者近义词使用对比研究[D]. 曾菲.重庆师范大学 2018
[2]基于语料库的英语同义词区分比较研究[D]. 刘彩月.华北电力大学 2018
[3]基于语料库的中国英语学习者和英语本族语者同义词使用对比研究[D]. 徐晓婷.内蒙古工业大学 2016
[4]基于语料库的名词类同义词研究[D]. 宣兆赢.黑龙江大学 2015
[5]基于语料库的同义词辨析研究[D]. 王长斌.黑龙江大学 2014
[6]基于语料库的中国英语学习者同义词使用研究[D]. 杨静.河北大学 2013
[7]基于语料库对中国英语学习者使用同义词的研究[D]. 李京徽.华北电力大学 2012




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