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发布时间:2021-07-06 18:44


【文章页数】:97 页


Chapter1 Introduction
    1.1 Research Background
        1.1.1 Writing Ability Requirements for Senior High School Students
        1.1.2 The Current Situation of English Writing Teaching in Senior High School
        1.1.3 The Necessity of Studying English Writing Teaching
    1.2 Research Purpose
    1.3 Research Significance
        1.3.1 Theoretical Significance
        1.3.2 Practical Significance
    1.4 The Structure of the Thesis
Chapter2 Literature Review
    2.1 Related Studies on English Writing Teaching
        2.1.1 Studies on English Writing Teaching Abroad
        2.1.2 Studies on English Writing Teaching at Home
    2.2 Studies on English Writing Teaching Based on the Extension Theory
    2.3 Summary
Chapter3 Theoretical Basis
    3.1 The Extension Theory
        3.1.1 Definition of the Extension Theory
        3.1.2 The Core Concept of the Extension Theory
        3.1.3 The Important Principle of the Extension Theory
        3.1.4 The Application of the Extension Theory-the Continuation Task
    3.2 The Input and Output Hypothesis
    3.3 The Interactive Alignment Theory
    3.4 Summary
Chapter4 The Application of the Extension Theory to English Writing Teaching
    4.1 The Continuation Task
    4.2 The Facilitative Effect of the Continuation Task
    4.3 Implementation Steps of the Continuation Task
        4.3.1 Step One:Selection of the Reading Materials of the Continuation Task
        4.3.2 Step Two:Presentation of the Reading Materials of the Continuation Task
        4.3.3 Step Three:Read and Input of the Reading Materials of the Continuation Task
        4.3.4 Step Four:Practice and Internalization of the Continuation Task
        4.3.5 Step Five:Application and Output of the Continuation Task
        4.3.6 Step Six:Assessment and Feedback of the Continuation Task
    4.4 The Teaching Design of the Continuation Task
    4.5 Summary
Chapter5 Experiment Design and Experiment Procedures
    5.1 Experiment Design
        5.1.1 Experiment Hypotheses
        5.1.2 Experiment Subjects
        5.1.3 Experiment Instruments
   Writing Tests
        5.1.4 Experiment Time
    5.2 Experiment Procedures
        5.2.1 The Pre-Implementation Stage
        5.2.2 The Implementation Stage
        5.2.3 The Post-Implementation Stage
Chapter6 Data Analysis and Discussion
    6.1 Data Analysis
        6.1.1 Analysis of Questionnaires
   Analysis of Pre-questionnaire
   Analysis of Post-questionnaire
        6.1.2 Analysis of Interview
        6.1.3 Analysis of Writing Texts
        6.1.4 Analysis of Writing Tests
   Analysis of Pre-test
   Analysis of Post-test
    6.2 Discussion
        6.2.1 The Effect of the Continuation Task Based on the Extension Theory on Students’English Writing Affective Factors
        6.2.2 The Effect of the Continuation Task Based on the Extension Theory on Students’English Writing Language Structure
        6.2.3 The Effect of the Continuation Task Based on the Extension Theory on Students’English Writing Effect
    6.3 Summary
Chapter7 Conclusion
    7.1 The Major Findings
    7.2 Limitations of the Research and Suggestions for Further Study
        7.2.1 Limitations of the Research
        7.2.2 Suggestions for Further Study
Appendix A Pre-questionnaire
Appendix B Post-questionnaire
Appendix C Writing Test for Pre-test
Appendix D Writing Test for Post-test
Appendix E Outline of Interview
Appendix F One Sample of the Reading Materials for the Continuation Task
Appendix G Samples of Students’Writing in the Continuation Task
Appendix H Scoring Criteria of Writing for College Entrance Examination

[1]二语读后续写中的结构启动——以英语被动句产出为例[J]. 王启,曹琴.  解放军外国语学院学报. 2020(01)
[2]高中英语阅读教学中开展读后续写的尝试[J]. 徐明月.  中学教学参考. 2020(01)
[3]高中英语写作教学中过程教学法的应用[J]. 闫贞珍.  英语广场. 2019(09)
[4]高中英语写作教学智能化探索[J]. 常玉梅.  教育理论与实践. 2019(20)
[5]运用续作应当注意什么?[J]. 王初明.  外语与外语教学. 2019(03)
[6]读后续写协同效应对汉语二语学习的影响[J]. 王启.  外语与外语教学. 2019(03)
[7]高中生英语写作现状调查与策略探讨[J]. 王德美.  基础教育课程. 2019(10)
[8]我国应用语言学研究在解决问题中前行[J]. 王初明.  外语教学与研究. 2018(06)
[9]如何提高读后续写中的互动强度[J]. 王初明.  外语界. 2018(05)
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[1]读后续写在高中英语写作教学中的应用研究[D]. 芦文佳.哈尔滨师范大学 2019
[2]英语新高考背景下的“读后续写”行动研究[D]. 巨岭.宁波大学 2018
[3]读后续写对高中生英语写作的影响研究[D]. 刘燕.湖南理工学院 2018
[4]读后续写应用于高中英语写作的实验研究[D]. 闫晓红.河北师范大学 2018
[5]高中英语写作课堂教学现状和对策研究[D]. 陈茜.南京师范大学 2018
[6]读后续写在高中英语写作教学中的应用研究[D]. 王利花.河南师范大学 2018
[7]“创造内容,模仿语言”理念下的初中英语写作教学效果研究[D]. 洪世黄.广州大学 2016




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