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发布时间:2021-08-06 17:09


【文章页数】:62 页


Chapter One Introduction
    1.1The Research Background
    1.2 The Significance of the Study
    1.3 Purposes of Research
    1.4 The Research Method
    1.5 The Structure of Thesis
Chapter Two Literature Review
    2.1 Move Analysis
    2.2 Researches on the Discussion Sections of Research Articles at Abroad
        2.2.1 Clarification of Discussion Section
        2.2.2 Development of Move Models of Discussion Section
        2.2.3 Comparative Researches on Discussion Section
        2.2.4 Researches on the Move Models for Discussion Section in DifferentDisciplines
    2.3 Researches on the Discussion Sections of Research Articles at Home
Chapter Three Move Models
    3.1 Dudley-Evans’Move Models on Discussion Section
    3.2 Peacock’s Move Model on Discussion Section
    3.3 The Choice of the Move Model for the Study
Chapter Four Results and Discussion
    4.1 The Comparative Analysis of the Use of Moves between RA1 and RA2
        4.1.1The Distribution of Moves in RA1 and RA2
        4.1.2 The Frequencies of Different Moves in RA1 and RA2
        4.1.3 The Move Cycles in RA1 and RA2
    4.2 The Comparative Analysis of the Linguistic Features of the Realization ofMoves in Discussion Sections between RA1 and RA2
        4.2.1 The Use of Tense and Aspect in RA1 and RA2
        4.2.2 The Use of Passive Voice in RA1 and RA2
        4.2.3 The Use of Modal Verbs in RA1 and RA2
        4.2.4 The Use of the First-person Pronouns in RA1 and RA2
        4.2.5 The Use of the It-extraposition Constructions in RA1 and RA2
Chapter Five Conclusion
    5.1 The Main Findings
    5.2 Implications
    5.3 The Limitation and Deficiencies

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