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发布时间:2021-08-16 00:52


【文章页数】:67 页


Ⅰ Introduction
    1.1 Research Background
        1.1.1 The Proposal of English Subject Core Competencies and itsRequirements on Senior High School Students’English Writing
        1.1.2 Activities in the new English Textbook
        1.1.3 Importance of Improving English Writing Ability
        1.1.4 Mind Mapping on Teaching and Learning
    1.2 Significance of this Research
    1.3 The Structure of this Research
Ⅱ Literature Review
    2.1 Methods to Improve Students'English Writing Ability
        2.1.1 Research at Home
        2.1.2 Research Abroad
    2.2 Review of Text-retelling
        2.2.1 Research of Text-retelling at Home
        2.2.2 Research of Text-retelling Abroad
    2.3 Review of Text-retelling in English Writing
Ⅲ Theoretical Foundations
    3.1 Constructivism Theory and English Writing
    3.2 Discourse Analysis Theory and English Writing
Ⅳ Research Design
    4.1 Subjects of the Research
    4.2 Research Questions
    4.3 Instruments
    4.4 Materials Used for this Research
    4.5 Procedures of the Experiment
Ⅴ Results and Analysis
    5.1 Data Collection
    5.2 Results Analysis
        5.2.1 Data Analysis
        5.2.2 Analysis of the first Research Question
        5.2.3 Analysis of the second Research Question
        5.2.4 Analysis of the third Research Question
Ⅵ Conclusion
    6.1 Major Findings
    6.2 Implications of the Research
    6.3 Limitations of the Research
Appendix A Pretest
Appendix B Post-test
Appendix C Soring Criteria
Appendix D Pre-experiment Questionnaire
Appendix E Post-experiment Questionnaire
Appendix F Results of the Pre-experiment Questionnaire
Appendix G Results of the Post-experiment Questionnaire
Appendix H Text-retelling activities in the new English textbook
Appendix I Dimensions of English Language Use Competence
Appendix J Descriptions of the three Levels of Language Competence
Appendix K Students’Mind Maps
Appendix L Students’English Writing Drafts




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