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发布时间:2021-08-23 20:00


【文章页数】:70 页


Chapter One Introduction
    1.1 Research Background
        1.1.1 Exam Instructions Requirements for High School Students’ English Summary Writing Ability
        1.1.2 Current Situation of High School English Summary Writing Teaching
    1.2 Research purpose and significance
    1.3 Thesis framework
Chapter Two Literature Review
    2.1 Studies on summary writing
        2.1.1 The definition of Summary Writing
        2.1.2 English Summary Writing Ability
        2.1.3 A Study of High School Students’ English Summary Writing Ability
        2.1.4 Studies on summary writing abroad
        2.1.5 Studies on summary writing in China
    2.2 Studies on Cohesion
        2.2.1 The definition of Cohesion
        2.2.2 Studies on Cohesion abroad
        2.2.3 Studies on Cohesion in China
    2.3 Research Status of the Relationship between Cohesion Device and Summary Writing
    2.4 Summary
Chapter Three Theoretical Basis
    3.1 Cohesion Theory
        3.1.1 Grammatical cohesion
        3.1.2 Lexical Cohesion
    3.2 Comprehensible Input and Output Theory
    3.3 Summary
Chapter Four Methodology
    4.1 Research Design
        4.1.1 Research Questions
        4.1.2 Research Subjects
        4.1.3 Research Instruments
    4.2 Research Procedures
    4.3 Teaching steps of cohesion devices
    4.4 Teaching Practice of Summary Writing
    4.5 Data collection and analysis
        4.5.1 Data collection
        4.5.2 Analysis of Composition
        4.5.3 Reliability Test of Scorers
Chapter Five Results and Discussion
    5.1 Results and Analysis of Pre-Interview
    5.2 Results and Analysis of Tests
        5.2.1 Holistic Scoring
        5.2.2 Analytic scoring
        5.2.3 Objective measures
    5.3 Results and Analysis of Post-Interview
    5.4 Discussion
Chapter Six Conclusion
    6.1 Research Findings
    6.2 Research implications
    6.3 Research Limitations
    6.4 Suggestions for further research
Appendix Ⅰ Outlines for Interviews
Appendix Ⅱ Pre-test and Post-Test Papers
Appendix Ⅲ Scoring Criterion of English Summary Writing
Appendix Ⅳ Jacobs Composition Rating Scale
Appendix Ⅴ Guidelines for T-units, Clauses, Word Counts, and Errors

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[3]基于语篇谈概要写作教学[J]. 陈敏之.  英语教师. 2019(12)
[4]浙江省英语高考概要写作首考试题分析及反思[J]. 费胜昌.  教学月刊·中学版(教学参考). 2019(04)
[5]概要写作及其教学范式解析[J]. 吴琼.  外语测试与教学. 2018(02)
[6]高中英语概要写作“PWDC”模式的尝试——以3种常用体裁为例[J]. 仲健.  英语教师. 2017(14)
[7]基于文本解读培养学生概要写作能力的读写课课例[J]. 汪富金,宋顺生.  基础外语教育. 2017(03)
[8]基于思维培养的高中英语概要写作教学案例分析[J]. 夏蕾.  上海课程教学研究. 2016(12)
[9]中学生英语概要写作研究:问题与对策[J]. 金怡.  外语测试与教学. 2016(04)
[10]融概要写作于高中英语阅读教学的实践与思考[J]. 孙惠清.  英语教师. 2016(19)

[1]新课程下初高中英语教学衔接研究[D]. 陈明丰.华东师范大学 2010
[2]语篇的衔接与高中英语写作教学[D]. 李永红.华中师范大学 2006




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