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发布时间:2018-04-09 05:31

  本文选题:文学 切入点:审美意识形态 出处:《青海社会科学》2016年02期

[Abstract]:The core idea of the theory of literary aesthetic ideology is that literature is a reflection of real social life, a kind of ideology, a reflection of subjectivity and initiative, and an aesthetic ideology.On the basis of philosophy, aesthetic ideology is epistemological; from the process of concept formation, it is still unable to get rid of "essential-characteristic" mode of thinking; therefore, the essence of literature is still ideology, while aesthetics is only a characteristic.In view of this, we propose to construct a literary view of aesthetic practice based on the theory of practice.Different from the epistemological literary view, the literary view of aesthetic practice not only regards literature as a means of reflecting social life, but also regards literature as the basic mode of human activity and existence.This way of activity, because of its own aesthetic characteristics, determines that literature can play a role of negation, criticism and guidance of reality to a great extent.Therefore, literature plays not only the role of ideology, but also the role of counteracting ideology.The literary theory of practice and aesthetic practice is not only the inheritance of literary reflection theory and aesthetic ideology literary view, but also the transcendence.
【作者单位】: 兰州城市学院文学院;


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