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发布时间:2018-05-24 11:16

  本文选题:雷祖威 + 《生日》 ; 参考:《世界华文文学论坛》2013年02期

[Abstract]:From the perspective of contemporary space theory, the literary space derived from real life is no longer a mere imitation, reproduction or representation of the real space on which people rely for existence, but the composition and reproduction of the social space cast by the text. Based on the theory of space criticism, we can interpret and discuss the short story "Birthday" of Chinese American writer Lei Zuwei from the three dimensions of social space, individual space and protagonist's psychological space. Through the Court Building, Frank's house and the King Wallace's Italian restaurant and the child's room in Welby's room, the narration of the iconic space and the personal love experience of the protagonist is full of collisions and conflicts. To show Wallace's experience of power and repression in social space, the neglect and suffering of personal space and the suffering and confusion of his inner psychological space, It reflects that the young generation of Chinese has acquired the status of a foreign country, but is still mercilessly alienated and marginalized by the mainstream society, so that they are unable to change the living space in which they live and can not find their soul.
【作者单位】: 安徽农业大学外国语学院;安徽大学外语学院;


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2 徐惠莲;;文化的冲突、困境与生存策略——从《爱的痛苦》到《谁是爱尔兰人?》[J];大家;2011年06期

3 凌津奇;;历史与想象:雷祖威、梁志英与伍惠明的小说艺术[J];南开学报(哲学社会科学版);2009年05期

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