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发布时间:2018-06-04 22:01

  本文选题:洪堡的礼物 + 索尔·贝娄 ; 参考:《辽宁大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:索尔·贝娄是美国最有影响力的犹太作家之一,他是继海明威和福克纳之后又一位文学大师。由于他的作品对当代文化进行了富于人性的理解和精妙的分析,一九七六年他被授予诺贝尔文学奖,这不仅是对他创作才能的肯定也是对他作品之于社会贡献的褒奖。几乎贝娄的每一部作品都关注着现代人的生活和命运问题,对人物在瞬息万变的美国社会中的生存状况及精神危机给予了深切的关怀,并帮助他们摆脱困境,开始新的生活。 《洪堡的礼物》是贝娄最杰出的长篇小说之一,自从问世就获得了广泛的关注,,并且帮助贝娄获得了一九七六年的普利策奖。小说中,主人公西特林以独白的形式描述了艺术家,尤其是美国犹太作家在拜金主义盛行的现代社会中经受身体及心理上的双重折磨而产生异化,变得忧虑、困惑、孤独、无力。作为一个有着犹太背景的作家,贝娄无疑对犹太知识分子投入了更多的关怀与同情,并努力帮助他们摆脱异化,完成精神的救赎。 本文主要包含导言、主体和结论三个部分。 第一部分为导言,主要介绍国内外学者对索尔·贝娄作品的评价及研究。通过不同作家对该作品的分析,确立本文的主题。 主体部分由四章构成,第一章介绍本文的理论依据—异化理论。阐述了异化理论的提出与发展过程,对其进行深刻的理解,从而为之后的分析奠定基础。 第二章介绍《洪堡的礼物》中人物的异化。主要表现为对生活及创作的无法掌控,在这个扭曲的世界里生活失去了意义,他们甚至感到孤独和自我疏离。洪堡是美国三十年代著名的诗人,他的诗歌充满了纯真和浪漫的气息,受到很多名人的盛赞。然而到了四十年代末,随着物质主义在美国的盛行,他的那些诗歌就成了过时的玩意儿,但是洪堡希望用他那柏拉图精神和爱心来改造社会,事实证明一切都是徒劳。逐渐被人们遗忘的洪堡变得异化了,他内心充满了孤独感继而转向女人和酗酒,并且心中充满了猜疑,最后在绝望中死去。而小说的另一位主人公,西特林,取得了成功,他的作品不断地在百老汇上演,为他赢得了财富与名誉。但是这些物质上的富足并没有为他带来快乐,反而使他越来越感觉生命的无意义甚至迷失了自我,纠缠于不同的女人中。最后,他的创作灵感消失殆尽,陷入了经济与精神危机当中。 第三章重点分析异化的根源。在充满拜金主义和缺乏精神追求的美国社会中,无论是洪堡还是西特林都变得异化,迷失了自我。他们都曾经获得成功,但也都饱尝失败的苦果,一个在穷困潦倒中死去,一个被亲人和友人抛弃。他们一方面沉溺于物质上的追求,另一方面又觉得精神上的需求无法在这个物质主义和实用主义盛行的社会中得到满足。他们发现自己无法很好地处理现实生活中的事情,因此试图构建一个自己的世界从而寻求解脱。他们异化的根源在于他们对犹太身份及文化的眷恋。他们很想完全融入美国社会成为真正的美国人,但同时他们又不断想起自己的犹太背景,这样矛盾的内心使得他们心理上产生一种边缘感。他们虽然有理想有抱负,但是却被社会边缘化了,因此他们只能被漠视被遗忘。同时他们的异化又来源于社会的影响,随着美国工业化进程的不断加剧,整个社会的价值观念发生了很大的改变,变得扭曲,畸形。社会中充满了欺骗、敲诈,人们彼此之间缺少了信任。生活在这样的环境下,洪堡和西特林不可避免的要受到影响。对死亡的困扰也是导致西特林异化的原因之一。他对死亡充满了恐惧之情,因此他从来不参加任何的葬礼,并且陷入对死亡的思考。 第四章阐释人性的回归。主要从两个方面展开,西特林在领取洪堡遗产的路上所经历的事情使他重拾了对他人的友爱之心,用剧本获得成功所带来的收益重新埋葬了洪堡和他的母亲,并且把剩下的钱送给洪堡的叔叔。另一方面,主人公通过与这个疯狂世界的斗争以及对人性的思考得到了精神上的救赎。 最后一部分为结论,在总结全文主题的基础上,指出其现实意义。作为具有高度责任心的作家,索尔·贝娄响应时代召唤,认真思考了人类的生存状态。洪堡的礼物所揭示的不仅是美国犹太人的精神危机和社会问题,也指出了整个现代文明和现代人的生存困惑与危机。同时,贝娄也试图通过作品指引异化的现代人踏上人性回归的道路。
[Abstract]:Sol Bellow is one of the most influential Jewish writers in the United States. He is another master of literature after Hemingway and Faulkner. Because of his works of human understanding and exquisite analysis of contemporary culture, he was awarded the Nobel prize in literature in 1976. This is not only the affirmation of his creative talent but also to him. Almost every work of Bellow pays attention to the life and fate of modern people. It gives a deep concern to the living conditions and spiritual crisis in the rapidly changing American society, and helps them to get rid of their difficulties and start a new life.
"Humboldt's gift" is one of the most outstanding novels of Bellow, which has received extensive attention and helped Bellow to win the Pulitzer prize in 1976. In the novel, the hero Citrin described the artist as a monologue, especially the American Jewish writer in the modern society, which was popular in the worship of gold. As a writer with Jewish background, Bellow, as a writer with Jewish background, has no doubt devoted more attention and sympathy to the Jewish intellectuals, and tries to help them get rid of alienation and achieve spiritual salvation.
This article mainly includes three parts: introduction, main body and conclusion.
The first part is the introduction, which mainly introduces the evaluation and study of Sol Bellow's works by scholars both at home and abroad, and establishes the theme of this article through the analysis of the works by different writers.
The main part is composed of four chapters. The first chapter introduces the theoretical basis of this article, the theory of alienation. It expounds the process of the development and development of the theory of alienation, and makes a profound understanding of it, thus laying a foundation for the later analysis.
The second chapter introduces the dissimilation of the characters in the Humboldt's gift, which is mainly manifested in the uncontrolled life and creation and the loss of meaning in this twisted world. They even feel lonely and self alienated. Humboldt is a famous American poet in the 30s, his poems are full of pure and romantic breath, and many celebrities are given. At the end of the 40s, however, by the end of the 40s, with the popularity of materialism in the United States, his poems became outmoded gadgets, but Humboldt hoped to transform society with his Platon spirit and love. It proved that everything was in vain. The forgotten Humboldt became dissimilated, and his heart was filled with loneliness and succession. To women and alcohol, and to be filled with suspicion, and to die in despair. And the other protagonist of the novel, the protagonist of the novel, was successful, and his works continued on Broadway to win his wealth and fame. But the riches of the material did not bring him happiness, but made him feel more and more alive. Meaning even lost itself, entangled in different women. In the end, his creative inspiration disappeared and plunged into economic and spiritual crisis.
The third chapter focuses on the root of alienation. In the American society full of money worship and lack of spiritual pursuit, both Humboldt and Sai Lin have become dissimilated and lost themselves. They have all been successful, but they both suffer from the bitter fruit of failure, one in poor and poor, and one by relatives and friends. Indulge in material pursuit, on the other hand, it feels that spiritual needs cannot be met in a society where materialism and pragmatism prevail. They find themselves unable to deal with real life well, and therefore try to build a world of their own and seek relief. Their alienation is rooted in their Judas. They want to be fully integrated into American society and become real Americans, but at the same time they are constantly reminded of their Jewish background, which makes them psychologically marginalized. They have ideal ambitions, but they are marginalized by society, so they can only be disregarded. At the same time, their alienation comes from the influence of society. As the process of industrialization in the United States continues to intensify, the values of the whole society have changed greatly, become distorted and deformed. The society is full of deceit, extortion, and lack of trust between people. The influence of death is one of the reasons for Citrin's dissimilation. He is full of fear of death, so he never takes any funeral and thinks of death.
The fourth chapter explains the return of human nature. It is mainly from two aspects. The things he experienced on his way to the Humboldt's legacy reclaimed his love for others, reburied Humboldt and his mother with the success of the script, and gave the rest of the money to the uncle of Humboldt. On the other hand, the hero Through the struggle against this crazy world and the thinking of human nature, we have been spiritually saved.
The last part is the conclusion. On the basis of the summary of the full text theme, it points out its practical significance. As a highly responsible writer, Saul Bellow responds to the call of the times and seriously thinks about the state of human existence. The gift of Humboldt reveals not only the spiritual crisis and social problems of the American Jews, but also the whole modern language. Ming and modern people's survival confusion and crisis. At the same time, Bellow also tried to guide the alienated modern people to embark on the path of humanity's return.


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1 马晓艳;王红丽;;小说《洪堡的礼物》折射出的人类精神探索的文化主题[J];安徽文学(下半月);2010年06期




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