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发布时间:2018-06-05 06:56

  本文选题:刻板形象 + 男性气质 ; 参考:《沈阳师范大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:赵健秀和汤亭亭是卓著的华裔美国作家,他们都着力于解构白人强加给华裔男性的刻板形象塑造华裔男性新形象。但是由于他们性别和经历的差异,他们之间对如何塑造华裔男性形象产生了严重的分歧。赵健秀认为汤亭亭牺牲华裔男性形象来建构华裔女性形象。而汤亭亭则批评赵健秀在建构华裔男性形象时所表露的父权思想。 虽然近年来很多国内外学者针对赵健秀和汤亭亭作品发表了相当数量评论,但大多都是从女性主义,后殖民主义,华裔文化身份重建和写作技巧来加以分析评论的,从性别研究角度结合后殖民主义分析他们典型作品的却少之又少。因此,本人将从后殖民主义和性别研究的角度分析赵健秀和汤亭亭的经典作品《唐老亚》和《金山勇士》并探讨他们解构美国主流强加给华裔男性的刻板形象建构华裔男性气质的策略。 本篇论文包含三个重要的部分:在第一个部分中,我主要总结了白人传统的男性气质和美国东方主义的实质;第二部分简要研究了后殖民主义和性别研究。由于不同的性别身份,赵健秀和汤亭亭建构了不同的华裔男性形象。因此最后部分用大量篇幅分别分析他们建构华裔男性形象的策略并综合分析他们策略的优缺点。 总之,赵健秀和汤亭亭作为一个广泛涉猎种族,历史,社会,性别等领域的优秀作家。他们以建造华裔男性形象为己任,,通过对华裔移民史的重建,华裔男性生活的真实写照来建构他们自己的华裔男性新形象,从而解构了白人强加的负面的华裔男性形象。这对华裔移民解决身份危机有重要意义。
[Abstract]:Zhao Jianxiu and Kingston Hong Kingston are distinguished Chinese American writers who try to deconstruct the stereotype imposed by white men on Chinese men and shape the new image of Chinese men. However, due to their differences in gender and experience, there are serious differences between them on how to create a Chinese male image. Zhao Jianxiu believes that Maxine Hong Kingston sacrifices the image of Chinese male to construct the image of Chinese woman. Maxine Hong Kingston criticizes Zhao Jianxiu's patriarchal thought in constructing Chinese male image. Although many scholars at home and abroad have published a considerable number of comments on Zhao Jianxiu and Kingston's works in recent years, most of them are analyzed and commented on from the perspectives of feminism, post-colonialism, Chinese cultural identity reconstruction and writing skills. It is rare to analyze their typical works from the angle of gender study combined with post-colonialism. Therefore, From the perspective of postcolonialism and gender studies, I will analyze Zhao Jianxiu and Maxine Hong Kingston's classic works "Tang Laoya" and "Golden Mountain Warriors" and discuss how they deconstruct the stereotype imposed on Chinese men by the mainstream of the United States and construct the Chinese people. The strategy of masculinity. In the first part, I summarize the traditional masculinity of white people and the essence of American Orientalism; in the second part, I briefly study postcolonialism and gender studies. Due to different gender identity, Zhao Jianxiu and Kingston Hong Kingston construct different Chinese male images. Therefore, the last part analyzes their strategies of constructing Chinese male image and their advantages and disadvantages. In short, Zhao Jianxiu and Kingston Hong Kingston as a wide range of race, history, society, gender and other fields of excellence. They take the construction of Chinese male image as their own responsibility, through the reconstruction of the history of Chinese immigrants, the true portrayal of Chinese male life to construct their own Chinese male new image, thus deconstructing the negative white imposed Chinese male image. This is of great significance to Chinese immigrants in resolving their identity crisis.


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