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发布时间:2018-10-29 11:40
【摘要】:托妮·莫里森(Toni Morrison)是当代美国文坛最有影响的作家之一,其文学创作与黑人民间传统的缝制百纳被有着异曲同工之处,体现出百纳被的形式,蕴涵了百纳被的美学意义。本文以莫里森的小说《宠儿》为研究对象,以美国社会与黑人历史为背景,依据百衲被审美理论及其蕴含的破碎与融合的中心思想,从莫里森文学创作的生存背景、历史背景、社会背景等三个方面探讨其作品蕴含的百纳被的美学寓意。 本文共分为三部分,第一部分为导论,总述了百纳被审美的历史发展、美学意义以及“在碎片中求完整、在断裂中求弥合”的百纳被特质。 第二部分为正文,分别从生存背景、历史背景和社会背景来来诠释百纳被审美在《宠儿》中的体现。 第一章从《宠儿》一文的生存背景来叙述了奴隶制的残忍,,充分地揭露了奴隶制留给黑人难以抚平的烙印和创伤,与此同时,真实而生动地描绘了黑人锥心泣血的反抗和漫长而又艰辛的疗伤过程。 第二章从《宠儿》一文的历史背景分析了其中蕴含的百纳被审美,百衲被压缩了历史,并通过重忆历史,使现在更有意义,使未来更具色彩。莫里森的文学创作缝缀了过去和未来,现实与虚幻,是一部正视历史展望未来之作,只有正视历史,才能找回真正的自我,失落的灵魂,面向未来。 第三章从《宠儿》一文的社会背景为切入点,美国黑人不停追求融入美国社会的奋斗,黑人社会的发展史是一个不断流血,不停疗伤的过程,是一个不停被拒绝,却永远期盼融合的过程。一个家庭犹如人周身的骨骼,即使破损了,缺失了,但骨架终会长全,作为缺损部分的宠儿,固然依恋着亲人和家庭,大家也都在忆念中感到遗憾,但是全家最终要走出小家融入社会。 第三部分为结论,总结了由百纳被审美所引发的对现实的反思和对未来的思考。在《宠儿》中,莫里森是站在种族的高度上建立一个多元文化的模式,为美国黑人群体和黑人文化寻求新的生存和发展空间。莫里森的文学百衲被给我们这样的启示:在破碎中求融合;努力保持文化多样性与同一性的平衡。因此,《宠儿》对于二十世纪的美国读者以及对后世之人都具有重要的现实意义。
[Abstract]:Toni Morrison (Toni Morrison) is one of the most influential writers in contemporary American literature. His literary creation is similar to that of black folk tradition. This article takes Morrison's novel beloved as the research object, takes American society and black history as the background, according to the patchwork aesthetic theory and its contained broken and fusion central thought, from the Morrison literature creation survival background, the historical background. Social background and other three aspects of his works to explore the aesthetic implication of Baina quilt. This paper is divided into three parts. The first part is an introduction, which describes the historical development, aesthetic significance and the characteristics of "seeking integrity in fragments and healing in fracture". The second part is the text, respectively from the survival background, historical background and social background to explain the beauty of Baina in beloved. The first chapter narrates the cruelty of slavery from the living background of beloved, fully exposing the imprint and trauma left by slavery to the black people, and at the same time, The true and vivid depiction of black people's sobbing resistance and the long and arduous healing process. In the second chapter, the author analyses the historical background of beloved, which contains the beauty of Paina, which compacts the history, and makes the present more meaningful and the future more colorful by rethinking the history. Morrison's literary creation seams up the past and the future, reality and illusion. It is a work of facing history and looking forward to the future. Only by facing history squarely, can we find our true self, lost soul and face the future. The third chapter takes the social background of beloved as the starting point. Black Americans are constantly pursuing the struggle to integrate into American society. The history of black society is a process of continuous bleeding and healing, a process that is constantly rejected. But always looking forward to the process of integration. A family is like a skeleton around a person. Even if it is broken and missing, the skeleton will eventually grow. As a favorite of the defective part, although attached to relatives and families, we all feel sorry in our memory. But the whole family finally had to get out of the small family and integrate into society. The third part concludes the reflection on reality and the future. In beloved, Morrison establishes a multicultural model from the perspective of race, seeking a new space for the existence and development of black groups and cultures in the United States. Morrison's literary patchwork gives us the inspiration of seeking integration in fragmentation and striving to maintain a balance between cultural diversity and identity. Therefore, beloved is of great practical significance to American readers in the 20 th century as well as to future generations.


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