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发布时间:2021-03-13 18:01
  伊莎贝尔·阿切尔,《贵妇画像》中的女主人公,是世界文学画廊中一个出色的女性形象,自小说出版之日起就引起了批评家们和公众的极大兴趣。亨利·詹姆斯似乎旨在塑造一位“新女性”:伊莎贝尔·阿切尔,她常被贴上独立自主的标签。 本文通过分析伊莎贝尔·阿切尔的自由观,旨在阐释她践行自由观失败的根源。通过探究伊莎贝尔选择自由与意识自由的观点,本文阐明了她自由观中的几个矛盾。此外,本文分析了伊莎贝尔性格中的几个致命弱点——反复无常、自尊自大和天真无知,以及她对欧洲文明的盲目崇拜和其他四个主要角色对她的影响,从而得出结论:践行自由观的失败使伊莎贝尔学会正视世界并直面残酷的生活,最终成长为一位成熟而优雅的贵妇。 

【文章来源】:哈尔滨工程大学黑龙江省 211工程院校

【文章页数】:86 页


Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Life and Career of Henry James and the Creation of the Protagonist
    2.1 Life and Career of Henry James
    2.2 Social and Cultural Background of the Novel
        2.2.1 Social Background
        2.2.2 Cultural Background
    2.3 The Creation of the Protagonist
Chapter 3 Isabel Archer's View of Freedom
    3.1 Freedom of Choice and Consciousness
        3.1.1 Freedom of Choice
   Isabel's Choice to Refuse Her Suitors—Goodwood and Warburton
   Isabel's Choice to Marry Gilbert Osmond
   Isabel's Final Choice to Return to Her Loveless Marriage
        3.1.2 Freedom of Consciousness
    3.2 Paradoxes in Isabel Archer's View of Freedom
        3.2.1 Quest for Freedom Versus Fulfillment of Responsibility
        3.2.2 Love of Freedom Versus Fear of Freedom
        3.2.3 Preservation of Dignity Versus Acceptance of Mistakes
Chapter 4 Isabel Archer's Failure in the Fulfillment of Her View of Freedom
    4.1 Fatal Flaws in Isabel's Personality
        4.1.1 Isabel's Caprice
        4.1.2 Isabel's Egotism
        4.1.3 Isabel's Innocence and Ignorance
    4.2 Isabel's Blind Worship of European Civilization
    4.3 Four Characters Related to Isabel's Failure in the Fulfillment of Her View of Freedom
        4.3.1 Ralph Touchett
        4.3.2 Gilbert Osmond
        4.3.3 Mrs. Touchett
        4.3.4 Madame Merle
Chapter 5 Conclusion
Works Cited

[1]实用主义哲学视阈下《一位女士的画像》的人物行为分析[D]. 戎瑾.辽宁大学 2019
[2]《贵妇的画像》:现实主义与现代主义之间[D]. 鞠翠.南京师范大学 2012
[3]从神话原型批评视角看伊莎贝尔·阿切尔的成长[D]. 傅贵玲.西北大学 2011




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